How to manifest the BEST clients, team & PEOPLE into your life

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 57

When you shift your mindset to focus on potential, you're not just opening doors for others—you're inviting success and positive relationships into your own life!

Together, let's challenge outdated beliefs, inspire one another, and unleash our inner BADASSES to craft a life filled with health, happiness, and success.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, babe, welcome, or welcome back to the Badass Mindset Podcast. I'm your host, laci, and I'm going to help you train your brain and your body to manifest groundbreaking levels of health, happiness and success in your life. I'm so fired up. You're here because it is time for us as a society, to rewrite the outdated belief that wanting and achieving more is greedy, selfish or just wishful thinking. We're about to go on a deep dive into mindset mastery, where you'll learn all about how to rewire your brain, turn your setbacks into your success story and awaken the ultimate badass that lives within you. So if you're ready to create some serious magic and epic results in your life, take a quick minute to set an intention for what you want to get out of listening to this episode, and then let's fucking go. What up, badass? Welcome back to another episode on Badass Mindset Podcast, the place where you learn how to manifest with ease and become an unapologetic, healthy, wealthy badass. I'm really excited for this episode because I have really gotten good at doing this and it's been changing my life in all the best ways, and it's so, so simple, but so many of us are not living this way, and so my hope is that, by bringing it to your attention, you're going to be like, oh snap, I haven't been living this way. I've been repelling my desires and my desired outcomes. I'm not even on purpose. We're going to whip that right into shape for you. So in this episode, I'm going to teach you how to manifest the best clients, colleagues, employees, you name it. I'll start by saying that I really started manifesting the best clients and colleagues within the last three years or so when I hired my microblading artist. You might be thinking how do the two connect? I'm going to explain it all. It's going to make sense in a minute, but for a hot minute.

Speaker 1:

I was wanting to get my eyebrows microbladed because I have rather thin eyebrows, which used to be the thing. Thin eyebrows used to be what was in, and everyone that had bushy eyebrows used to get them thinned out and waxed down to be thin little lines, and then the trends changed and now it's like the bushy, super full eyebrows that are like the thing, they're what's in, and I don't have that. Okay, I have very thin eyebrows and not that I was trying to follow trends or anything. I actually never liked my thin eyebrows. People used to tell me I had the perfect eyebrows and I'd be like but I don't like them. I wish they were a little more full.

Speaker 1:

And so, when microblading became a huge thing, I was like I want to get microbladed, but I didn't know anybody who did that. And I was a little scared because, upon doing research and looking into it, seeing all the things that could go wrong, all the botched jobs and seeing how invasive it can be if the person doesn't know what they're doing or they don't do it right, it's like you can go down a rabbit hole with this right. So here I am. I knew I wanted to get this done, but I didn't know who, didn't know how, didn't know where, when, nothing.

Speaker 1:

And then one day, out of the blue, I discovered that an old friend, somebody that I grew up with, went to high school with, played sports with, was becoming a microblading artist. And so I'm reaching out to her, getting information, getting details and all the things, and I'm like, yeah, ultimately I like I decided, yes, this is something I want to do. And she's like okay, I've gone through this extensive training, I've gone through all of this stuff and I know what I'm doing. The only problem is I haven't done it on a live person before you would be my first client and I don't say this to scare you, but I want you to know I know what I'm doing, I'm confident in my ability and, because you'd be trusting me with a lot, I'm willing to offer an exclusive discount for being one of my first clients ever. And I'm like you know what. Let's fucking do it. Don't you hate when you're applying for a job and it's like you know all the things right, you've got the qualification, the certificate, whatever you need.

Speaker 1:

But they're like we want somebody with three to five years of experience in the industry and it's like well, how the heck am I supposed to get experience in the industry if nobody will hire me because I don't have experience in the industry? Like how ass backwards and upside down and around is that concept? It's like I need to get experience in the industry to get experience in the industry. It just doesn't make sense. It's like a catch-22 cycle, like you can't get experience if someone doesn't give you a chance to give you that experience.

Speaker 1:

So this was my thought process. I'm like you know what, let's do it. How is she ever going to gain the experience if nobody will give her a chance or trust her enough to give her that opportunity to gain the experience. Plus, I was getting a sweet deal out of it. So I said, yes, let's do it. So I was her first ever client. It went amazingly, as we both knew it would. There was a little bit of fear, more so on her side, actually, not in a sense where she wasn't qualified or she was afraid she was going to majorly mess me up, but just a normal, reasonable amount of fear of like okay, this is somebody's face that I'm putting a blade into and I want to do a really good job because it's my first client ever. And she did, she knocked it out of the park.

Speaker 1:

But all that to say who or what are you not giving a chance because they don't have the experience or the tenure that you're looking for? Not giving a chance because they don't have the experience or the tenure that you're looking for? They aren't at the level yet that you want them to be at before they're good enough, no-transcript. And then I want to ask you who or what are you begging for the opportunity to show what you're made of, to gain the experience that you need and want, so that you can get better at what you're doing? Are you a walking contradiction or is this just a happy coincidence that you're already being the type of person that you want to attract? That's the golden nugget right there. Type of person that you want to attract, that's the golden nugget right there. If you want to manifest the best clients, colleagues and employees, you have to be the type of client, colleague or employee that you want to attract.

Speaker 1:

So, like I did with the microblading situation, I was her first client. I put a lot of trust into her hands and ever since then I've been attracting the best clients, not the ones that are like I need to see 10 plus years of experience and all these testimonies Not that I don't have the experience or testimonies, but you get the difference the ones that are like hardcore about I need to see your numbers and it needs to be an outrageous amount of time and experience in the industry and this and that Like are you asking from others something that you are not able to live up to? Really think about that you know. And then, even further, what type of buyer are you? What type of client are you? Are you the skeptical buyer who asks a thousand questions and you feel like everything is a scam or sketchy or questionable?

Speaker 1:

If you are and you think about it, do you attract people like that into your community, into your sphere of influence, people that question you, people that think you're scammy or a little sketch? Are you a flaky buyer? Do you commit to things prematurely and then back out and tell people at the last minute you know what, this isn't for me, or something came up and I can't do this anymore. I need to reschedule or I need to rethink my commitments. And if so, do you tend to attract people like that into your community? Are you constantly facing potential clients who get all excited about it with you and then a couple days or a couple weeks later, they're like you know what? I jumped the gun. I have a little too much going on in my life right now. I can't fully commit. I needed to relook at my budget. This just isn't going to work for me, right?

Speaker 1:

Do you tend to attract people who aren't true to their word? They make the commitment and then they cancel or don't show up or they go ghost on you. How frustrating is that. It's the worst, especially as an entrepreneur. Right, but are you being true to your word? Are you showing up when you've committed to something. Are you ghosting people? Think about how you are being. Are you showing up as the type of client and colleague or employee that you want to attract into your world?

Speaker 1:

The thing about law of attraction is that we do not attract what we want, what we think about, what we meditate with. We attract what we are Opposites do not attract. When it comes to manifesting Same with relationships, we attract the type of person and experience that we are and that we give to the world. So I just want you to think about that the next time you feel like complaining about the prospects you're getting and the relationship dynamics between you and your colleagues or you and your clients. These things are not happening to you. You are attracting them.

Speaker 1:

If you want premium buyers hitting you up for your offers, then you need to become a premium buyer with everything that you buy, everything you do, how you do. One thing is how you do everything. If you want committed clients, you need to be a committed client. If you want positive relationships and dynamics, no matter what area of your life we're talking about, then you need to curate positive relationships and dynamics in every environment that you enter, because you will attract what you are. So I just wanted to share this short but sweet life-changing reframe that I made, which started unintentionally a little over three years ago when I first made the decision to hire my microblading artist. I started attracting started unintentionally a little over three years ago, when I first made the decision to hire my microblading artist. I started attracting scenarios unintentionally where I'm the first for a lot of people and it's kind of cool. I'm actually laughing now because I was also one of my last tech person's first clients. I'm still with her today. It's been over two years. I'm basically grandfathered in at her opening rates, so it's like a win-win relationship for us.

Speaker 1:

And then recently this is where I laughed I ordered an intention setting candle online from a small business owner. You got to be careful with intention setting candles and anything like Palo Santo, sage, those kind of things. You don't want to get them in retail shops or mass production companies. You really want to source them locally or a place where you know it's not mass produced and they have a very close proximity to how they prep these candles and crystals and things like that. But anyways, I ordered this candle from this small shop online and I didn't know it at the time.

Speaker 1:

But when I received the candle, she wrote me this long, sweet note about how grateful she was for me because I was her very first customer outside of her family and friends that she knows personally and that she basically bribed to buy off of her Etsy shop. That she knows personally and that she basically bribed to buy off of her Etsy shop. I busted out laughing when I saw this because I was like wow, I'm really in this energy of giving people a chance, giving people a chance to gain that experience and to attract amazing clients and customers. And I'm doing it without even realizing it now, because that's the type of client and customer I'm being and showing up as, and in turn, I am attracting clients and customers like that and it's so freaking cool to see it play out and to see how it just all connects and comes together and it's changing my life and I know it's going to change yours. So I just wanted to share this magic and this gold with you because I believe that it's going to up-level the collective experience and energy in this world and everybody needs to know this. So there you go. That's the secret sauce If you want to manifest the best clients, colleagues, employees, relationships, whatever you got to be that type of client, colleague, employee, partner it's simple, not always easy, but very simple, very worth it and very life-changing.

Speaker 1:

Can't wait to see all the ways that your life is going to change when you start intentionally embodying the type of person or experience that you want to attract. If you want to take action on it right now because action takers are magic makers I've got a little action step for you that you can do. Raise your hand, physically or in your mind, and if reviews and referrals and testimonials are a huge part of creating a successful business for you and attracting other highly qualified and committed clients, and even if you don't have a business, raise your hand if you can see the value in a high quality review or referral. You know where I'm going with this. I would appreciate it so much if you took literally less than 30 seconds of your time to leave a five-star review. On whatever platform you're listening to this episode.

Speaker 1:

Share a favorite takeaway, share an aha moment, share a breakthrough moment or just share how much you love this podcast. And if you want to take it a step further, share this episode with a friend that it will help or change their life too. It's such a simple thing you can do. It will create such a large magnet for magic and miracles and positive outcomes into your life and into your business if you have one Because showing up and taking a physical action shows the universe that you are the type of person that you're wanting to attract already, and it opens you up to receive and attract exactly the outcomes you're wanting.

Speaker 1:

So this could be a strategic move for you, or you can just do it out of love. I'm grateful for you so much either way and I'm happy for you to be here in whatever capacity you are All right. I love you so much and I will see you again in the next episode. Thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that. If you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you? These types of messages empower me to keep showing up and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.