Reflect, Plan, Achieve: October Goal-Setting ⚡️Join us here on the last Monday of every month & turn your aspirations into achievements!

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 55

Ready to transform your mindset and crush your goals for October? As we wave goodbye to September and gear up for October, I'm taking you through a meticulous goal-setting process designed to position you for success!! Whether you're tuning in to recalibrate your goals, find motivation, or just need some strategic insights into making the next month your best yet, this episode is your ultimate planning companion.

If you're up for receiving a few very simple, very EFFECTIVE strategies on setting manageable goals and maintaining consistency, then grab your planner and a cup of coffee, and get ready to transform your personal and professional life! And, if you REALLY want to take a BOLD step and drive home your intentions & aspirations for the month, message me through the link below or send me a dm on Instagram @boldlylacy and share your September reflections + October goals! Something about looping someone else in and putting it out into The Universe like that makes it more 'real,' and let's The Universe know YOU MEAN BUSINESS.

Let's gooooo!

Application for Life Coaching with Lacy: SuccessCycle
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Speaker 1:

Hey babe, welcome, or welcome back to the Badass Mindset Podcast. I'm your host, laci, and I'm going to help you train your brain and your body to manifest groundbreaking levels of health, happiness and success in your life. I'm so fired up. You're here because it is time for us as a society to rewrite the outdated belief that wanting and achieving more is greedy, selfish or just wishful thinking. We're about to go on a deep dive into mindset mastery, where you'll learn all about how to rewire your brain, turn your setbacks into your success story and awaken the ultimate badass that lives within you. So if you're ready to create some serious magic and epic results in your life, take a quick minute to set an intention for what you want to get out of listening to this episode, and then let's fucking go.

Speaker 1:

Hey badass, welcome back to the podcast Badass Mindset. I'm your host, laci Wafer, and today is our end of month Q&A life updates, reflection and planning episode. We do this once a month, the last Monday of every month. I answer any questions that you have and I take you through my monthly goal-setting process where I reflect over the previous month and I plan ahead to crush all my goals for the upcoming month. So at the time of this recording, we are wrapping up September. We have two days left and then we are hitting the ground running into October. The way this is going to work is I'm going to take you through my process. So this is the kind of episode where you'll want to have a notebook with you, your Google calendar handy, your whiteboard if you have a big whiteboard, like I do. Whatever you have, it could even be the Notes app on your phone but something where you can write and plan as we go along. I'll have you pause throughout the episode so that you can do each step along with me. It'll basically feel like we're doing this whole planning session together in your office or living room or bedroom or just wherever you have quiet space where you can lock in free from distractions. So if you've got all your things ready your coffee, your water, whatever you need let's go ahead and dive in.

Speaker 1:

The first step to setting yourself up for a wildly successful month ahead is to reflect on the previous month that just passed. So we're going to look at our September goals. If you had specific goals, we're just going to audit, based on our goals, what did we accomplish and why do we think that is, if you didn't have specific goals written down that you wanted to accomplish in September. That's fine. We're going to change that, moving forward, but that's fine, you can still do this.

Speaker 1:

What went really well this month? Well, for me. One of my goals was to post on Instagram and TikTok for 23 days. I am building the habit of consistency when it comes to posting and showing up on social media, and in the month of September, if I posted every weekday, that would get me to 23 posts, so that was my goal. I managed to post 18 days and there's currently one day left in September, so I'll get to 19. So, for example, I asked myself what went well.

Speaker 1:

Well, I've been scheduling in time once a week to content batch, because some days I'm not able to get out content to fill the days of when I want to post, and so I just can't keep up for that week and when I'm not prepared ahead of time, I have to rely on my day-to-day energy, and we all know what happens when we put off too many things for another day, expecting our energy or motivation to be higher than it is today, and then we have too many things that we just can't get them all done. Things begin to fall to the wayside, but this month I did a really great job executing on my content. Batching days I like to do mine on Mondays because Mondays are my favorite day of the week and Mondays tend to be the days where I'm most creative and in creation mode, so it works out perfectly. That's not to say there aren't ever spontaneous posts that get sprinkled in or inspiration and ideas that come up along the way, but I like to have an idea of what and when I'm going to post, so that I have a plan and I'm not doing everything reactively but rather proactively. So that's one example. You're just going to reflect and ask yourself what went really well this month, pause, take a moment to do that and then unpause. Next you're going to ask yourself what did not go so well this month. What were some of the things you did not accomplish that were on your goals list? Or, if you didn't have a goals list, what were some things that caused you stress or overwhelm?

Speaker 1:

For myself, I had a goal to complete 13 gym workouts. In the month of August I had the same goal and I got eight workouts completed at the gym. I did show up for daily movement every day, where I'm at least walking and moving my body in some way, shape or form each day. But I only made it to the gym eight days, and so I wanted to hit that goal this month. However, I was playing pickleball with my husband one day. We were having a really good rally. He saved the ball and it lobbed up right over the net on my side. You can probably already see where this is going, but I got a little cocky. I thought I was going to volleyball, slam that thing down on his side. My mind went higher than my body and you know how the story ends I landed wrong, I hyperextended my knee, couldn't walk for three days, and now I'm wearing a brace and limping around, icing and heating and resting and elevating all the things to heal, but that was early on, I think the second week of September, so I haven't been back in the gym since that day. I will be nowhere close to my goal of 13 gym workouts, and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, this was an unplanned detour challenge and, because we are emotionally intelligent and we're just observing the data without judging ourselves or making it mean anything about us, we understand that the circumstance is a very valid reason for not reaching that goal. So that kind of leads into the next step. Now you're going to pause, reflect over what didn't go as well as you would have liked and then brainstorm why or why not. What were the factors supporting me and doing a great job and what were the factors challenging me and making it difficult to show up or follow through as well as I would have liked to? Once you have some ideas, then unpause. Then, once you have that information laid out, you're just going to observe it as an unbiased third party observer, as if you're looking at someone else's data for the month of September. Oh, this is what they did really well at. This is what they did not do so well at. This is why they did well or not so well, and, based on any patterns, insights or notions you might have, you're just going to make some tweaks and you're going to think about how you can set yourself up for success, based on the information you've observed, to get better results. Moving forward Now, I like to break my goals up into four categories, and three of them are gonna be pretty standard across the boards.

Speaker 1:

One of them you might interchange depending on your situation and what you're working towards. The main three are health, wealth and lifestyle. My fourth category is podcast, because for me, this is a big area, it's its own category and I have goals for the podcast every month as well. Some might say this could fall under the wealth category, but I like it to be separate. You could also have a relationships category. You could have a bucket list category whatever you want, but you don't want to have too many categories. I'd cap it at four. List category, whatever you want, but you don't want to have too many categories, I'd cap it at four. Then you're going to come up with two to four goals within each category that you want to accomplish for the month ahead, so the month of October.

Speaker 1:

In the month of September, my three podcast goals were post 23 days on Instagram and TikTok, optimize my pod match profile for guesting and book my next two interviews as a guest. I like to have one habits-based goal, but something that I can check off each day. Did I do this habit? Yes, I did Check. And then I like to have at least one outcome-based goal, which would be booking my next two interviews as a guest. Those are outcomes Me reaching out to people, pitching myself, having conversations doesn't necessarily translate into bookings, but the bookings themselves are the outcome, so that's an outcome-based goal. Posting on social media is the habit, that's the day-to-day. Yours might be something like reach out to 10 new leads a day or record one new episode a week, share an episode a day, whatever.

Speaker 1:

For my health category in the month of September, my three goals were 13 gym workouts, a daily average of eight to 10,000 steps. Those were both habit-based. And then I had an intention for the third goal. It's not necessarily measurable, but it was just something for me to focus on and be mindful of, and it was to prioritize water, cooking and eating at home and making healthy choices that support my mind and my body. So this was just a mindfulness goal. I don't like to have too many things on the list, especially things that require a lot of time or energy, because then it can just become long and overwhelming. So it's nice if you really include one of each under each category one habits-based, one outcome-based and one intention or mindfulness practice. But it is okay if you have two of any of those types of goals. You just don't want to have too many of the same type, because that's when it can start to feel never ending In my wealth category, I had two outcome-based goals and one intention slash mindfulness goal.

Speaker 1:

My mindfulness goal was to meditate daily and to keep myself an energetic match to my desires, because everything is energy and everything operates on energetic frequency and we attract whatever frequency we operate at. So if we want high vibe outcomes, we have to be high vibe. If you look around and you find that you're attracting or creating low vibe outcomes, it's because you're operating at a very low vibration. So all you have to do to change the outcomes you're getting is change the energetic vibration you're operating at, and you do that by aligning your mind and your body to match the energy of your desire. A great tool for that is meditation and visualization. If that's not something you currently do, highly, highly recommend that you start finding a way to incorporate it into your daily routines, because it's such a game changer.

Speaker 1:

I'm also a certified breathwork and meditation facilitator. So if you have any questions, please reach out to me. You can send me a message on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, or you can click the link right here in the show notes where it says share a story or ask a question to be featured on a future episode. Ask me questions. That's what it's for. I'll answer it on an episode just like this where we're having this chat, I'm telling you about what's going on in my life. We're setting goals together, planning for the month ahead, and I can clear up any questions that you have to set yourself up better for the next month. So utilize that. I love, love, love, love, love talking and teaching about meditation, and I would be over the moon to help you in this area of your personal growth.

Speaker 1:

My two outcome-based goals in my wealth category were one to finish the eight weeks to badass to-do list that I have. I'm currently taking Jen Sincero's eight weeks to badass DIY course. Jen Sincero is the author of you Are a Badass and the badass collection of books, and she is such a gem. I love her so much and I'm in this DIY program in week seven currently, and at the beginning of this program we created basically this long to-do list of everything we're going to do over the next eight weeks, and I'm so close to being at the end of my list. Matter of fact, at the time of this recording, I have two things left to complete, which I think I can complete by October 1st, but we're going to see. We're going to hold tight, if not by October 1st I know it'll be done within the next few days but that was one of my outcome goals. And then my second one was to reactivate my real estate license.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if this is going to be a surprise for some of you, because I haven't told anyone about this yet. If you've listened to any other episode or if you've been connected with me on social media for a while, then you know I'm currently in school, studying neuroscience, as well as event planning and working the open shift at my local Lifetime Fitness, all while managing the podcast, momming to my four-year-old, wifing to my husband who's six months younger than me and somehow thinks that that makes me a cradle robber and gearing up to take on a few more life coaching clients. So let me just give you a little background about the real estate thing. I got my real estate license in the state of Texas back in 2018, I believe this was about a year after trigger warning, about a year after I was raped. It took a while for the realness of that to set in and I didn't start to get really depressed until about eight months to a year after it happened.

Speaker 1:

When I say I went down a negative spiral, girl. I spiraled. I was showing clients the wrong houses. I was having panic attacks every single day, sometimes in my cubicle at the office. I would have panic attacks in the car on the way to show clients. The final straw was when I was on vacation with my sister and I got three calls back to back about things that I couldn't just come back to at a convenient time I had to deal with right then. And the last call was a client that I had been showing houses for months. I probably showed this client 30 houses. They were finally under contract on a house and they called to tell me they were backing out of the contract. They did not want that house anymore. They didn't feel it was right for them anymore and they wanted to cut those ties. That basically sealed the deal for me. I was like what the fuck is happening and I took a break from real estate.

Speaker 1:

However, the reason that I got into real estate in the first place was because I wanted to learn about investing. I had never bought a house before, so I didn't know how the process worked. I wanted to learn everything that I could, the ins and outs, and that desire has never gone away. I went through a depressed season, but the desire has always been there. And now, seven years later, now that I've healed from that trauma, I'm the healthiest and happiest I've ever been. I'm actually thriving. I have the capacity, not just physically but mentally and emotionally, to get back into that world. So I thought why not now? There is no better time, let's do it. So I did all the classes, got the certifications and just this past week I mailed in my application for reinstatement. And as soon as I hear back I'll be able to retake the state and national exams.

Speaker 1:

Once I pass my exams and I find the right broker to sponsor me, I will be back in action. I will not be performing as a full-time agent, but rather an investor. I'll still help my close friends and family. So if you or you happen to know anybody that's close to you that is looking to buy or sell, I'm so, so happy to help and represent you. Just for being a part of this badass community, at the very least I can help point you in the right direction and set you up with an amazing team. But if you happen to know of any or come across any investment opportunities, whether it be for a flip investment, an Airbnb situation, any type of investment deal that you think I might be interested in. Hit your girl up, because that's what I'm looking to getting into.

Speaker 1:

But those were my wealth category goals for the month of September. And then my lifestyle goals were to one get a full body deep tissue massage, which your girl did, and it felt so good that I signed up for a monthly membership and I'm getting one every month now. And my second lifestyle goal was an intention to reconnect to my vision daily and as often as possible by meditating and having a mindful moment at the beginning of each workday. So that was my list. I hope that that sparked some ideas for you or at least helped you see how to look at your list, determine what you think went well, what you think you have room for improvement on and how you can go about that. For the month of October At this point we have gone through my entire process.

Speaker 1:

You know the five steps, very simple and effective. And if you're looking at your list and you're feeling overwhelmed or what you have laid out feels like going from zero to 100 compared to what you did last month or the months leading up to now, then I want to encourage you to chunk your list down. There will always be room for improvement, there will always be room for growth, but we don't want to start you off on a foot that feels so far-fetched, so unachievable, so unsustainable, that you can't follow through and you can't achieve the habits and the goals that you've set out. For the biggest thing you want to maintain is your consistency, showing up for yourself, checking off the boxes, building up that self-confidence that comes from showing up for yourself and accomplishing your goals, and you can't do that if your goals feel too mighty at the moment. That's not to say we will never set stretch goals or goals that feel huge, challenging or how the fuck are we going to do that? But if you're starting off feeling more overwhelmed than excited, then that's a sign we need to probably chunk down. So go ahead and pause to make adjustments if necessary, and then unpause and we'll move on.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to have you do one last thing to really nail in your intention for achieving every single one of your goals. This month, you're going to look at your list and you're actually going to plug everything into your calendar, exactly what day and what time you're going to do it. So for your habit-based goals, you're going to plan the exact time of each day that you're going to show up and do those goals. If you have outcome-based goals, depending on what the steps are to achieve those goals maybe it's prospecting, maybe it's having sales calls, maybe it's reading, visualizing whatever you're going to block off time to do those types of tasks as well, Because what you store up in your brain instead of putting out on paper and defining when and where you're going to do it, falls to the wayside, gets pushed to the back burner, becomes less urgent, not a priority and not top of mind. You want to keep all of your goals top of mind all the time, as often as possible, so that everything you're doing throughout your day is moving you forward towards one of your goals. You are making progress in some way, shape or form, towards one of your goals, so take a moment to do that as well, and then unpause and come back.

Speaker 1:

Now. I've got quite a few hefty goals for the month of October, so this is gonna be a big month for me. I'll share a couple of my goals with you just to let you in on the behind the scenes and help spark some ideas if you need help in that area. In my podcast category, I am looking to book my next two guest interviews for this show, badass Mindset. I am looking to book myself as a guest on five other shows and I am shooting for that.

Speaker 1:

23 days again of posting on Instagram and TikTok. I'm going to hit it this month. I know I am. I feel confident about that. I'm starting to get this content batching thing down and I'm just really feeling on fire lately, inspired, aligned and lit up. So I and I'm just really feeling on fire lately, inspired, aligned and lit up. So I think I'm going to crush it.

Speaker 1:

Another big goal of mine for the month of October is to write out a keynote that I'll be presenting at a summit next February. It'll be a 20 to 30 minute keynote and it'll be all about my success cycle method, which is my signature method for mastering your mindset, your money and your vitality. Another goal I have for October is to fix my hair and makeup at least once a week, because that is not something that I do often, but I kind of want to step into that version of myself a little more. It's really easy when you work from home majority of the time to never change from your pajamas or the clothes you slept in and there's nothing wrong with that once in a while but it certainly impacts your energy and the vibe depending on what you're wearing. It really is true when they say look good, feel good. And why does that matter? Because when you feel good, you do good and it's your actions that create your reality. But it all starts with how you feel and the energy you embody.

Speaker 1:

And last but certainly not least, I am looking to take under my wing three to five women for life coaching, beginning in the month of October. If you feel like you are struggling with the pressures of balancing your growing business with what feels like you're shrinking personal life, or if you're experiencing fatigue, stress and decreased motivation from the increasingly high demands of entrepreneurship. If you're having difficulty maintaining consistent health and wellness routines, which are in turn negatively impacting your energy levels and your overall well-being. If you're having difficulty setting and maintaining healthy boundaries both in your personal and your professional life, maybe even struggling to see the bigger picture, the long-term vision, because you're so engrossed in the daily operational challenges and you're finding it hard to manage time efficiently, which is just leading to missed opportunities and increased stress. If you feel an inner knowing that there is more to life and a greater potential to tap into, but you're just not sure how, then this opportunity is for you.

Speaker 1:

I want you to imagine just for a second if this was your life. You have achieved your own unique version or idea of balance where both your personal and your professional life is thriving. You've rediscovered enthusiasm and vigor for your life and your business pursuits. You've built sustainable holistic health routines and habits that enhance your physical, mental and emotional well-being. You've gained a crystal clear understanding of your business and personal goals, with a well-defined path to achieve them. You have established firm boundaries that promote your personal well-being and professional respect, and you're excelling in time management, maximizing productivity while ensuring time for self-care and leisure too. I just want you to imagine for a second that you've restructured your business in a way that allows for total autonomy and comfortable scalability, which leads you to imagine for a second that you've restructured your business in a way that allows for total autonomy and comfortable scalability, which leads you to more opportunities for building passive income streams. If that sounds good to you, then I want to introduce you to myself.

Speaker 1:

I'm Lacey Wafer. I'm a life coach and NLP and mindset expert dedicated to empowering millennial women entrepreneurs to unite their health, business and personal lives for thriving success. With a background in kinesiology and neuroscience, certifications in NLP, weight loss and nutrition, and a transformative personal journey of losing over 75 pounds and overcoming depression, I bring a wealth of experience, both professional and personal, to my coaching. My approach is deeply influenced by my own experience with neurolinguistic programming, which is what helped me to rewire my brain and reclaim my life, a journey that I am so passionate about sharing with others. My expertise isn't just rooted in academic knowledge, but in real lived experience. I understand the physical, mental and emotional rhythms that drive us because I've been there. After regulating my own monthly cycle and mastering the art of cycle syncing, I've learned how to align my work and my life with my body's natural rhythms, achieving peak productivity and tripling my annual income in less than a year without sacrificing my well-being. And this personal breakthrough is what led me to specializing in helping other women just like you find their alignment too, and ensuring that you can thrive in your business while enjoying robust health and a meaningful personal life.

Speaker 1:

So, whether you're looking to break free from burnout, align your business with your personal values or simply find a sustainable way to manage your health and energy. I am here to guide you. My mission is to help you become the badass CEO of your own life, with the autonomy to create a thriving business and a fulfilling personal legacy. So if you're ready to turn your dreams into your reality, let's get to work Now. Just to give you a sneak peek about what you'll get inside, Success Cycle is a five-month mentorship for women entrepreneurs to master their mindset, money and vitality.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to take you through six phases mindset mastery, optimal health habits, business alignment, autonomy in work and life, relationship enrichment and personal fulfillment and legacy. And personal fulfillment and legacy. We'll start with a comprehensive assessment so I can understand your current situation across all the areas mindset, health, business relationships and personal aspirations and then I'll create a program that's tailor-made to address and achieve your specific needs and goals. We'll have bi-weekly strategy sessions to review progress, tackle challenges, adjust your strategy as needed. You'll also receive daily support to maintain that momentum and address any immediate concerns along the journey. You'll have access to a vault of curated resources, such as documents, workbooks, tools, videos and more, which will support your growth at every stage along the way, and there will be industry expert workshops sprinkled in as needed to provide additional perspectives and specialized knowledge based on your specific needs and goals, because your success is at the forefront of this program and everything we do.

Speaker 1:

So I know that was a spiel, but if this sounds like exactly what you need and you're ready to become the CEO of your life, let's freaking get together and let's do some work. I'll have a link to apply in the show notes and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me on social media. My Instagram handle is below in the show notes as well. I'm at Boldly Lacey. You can also find me at Badass Mindset Podcast. You can either write me there, you can click the link in the show notes where you can ask a question, or you can go straight to the application, which is also linked in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

And if you're thinking, hey, this all sounds really great, it might not be for me, but I know somebody who might be a better fit. I would appreciate it so much if you would connect us, make that introduction. You just never know who might know the person that you need to know and connect with. We're all here to support each other, to help each other grow, in whatever capacity that might be. This is one way you can help me as well as the person on the receiving end of the coaching, and, of course, I'm more than happy to return the favor.

Speaker 1:

All right, babes, that's it for this planning session. I hope you've got your goals for October planned out. If you want to take a bold action and really solidify your intention and align your energy with the outcomes you want to achieve, then send me a message, share your goals with me, put it out into the universe and let me help hold you accountable. There's just something about somebody else knowing your goals and intentions and checking in on you to see if you did what you said you were going to do. It just sparks a little more motivation and inspiration, even to not be a flake, to not have to come back to them with disappointing news that you didn't do the thing. So use me in any way for your benefit. I'm happy to be that for you.

Speaker 1:

All right, thanks so much for tuning in. I can't wait to see you back here next Monday. Have an amazing week. Thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that. If you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you? These types of messages empower me to keep showing up, and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.