Break free from the fear of judgment and ROAR with confidence!

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 52

Are you ready to unleash your inner-lioness?! 

On this transformative episode of BADASS MINDSET PODCAST, we are talking about how to overcome the fear of being misunderstood and embrace your inner badass—yes, I'm talking about channeling the confidence of a majestic lion! 

During a recent meditation, I had a revelation that helped me confront MY fear of being misunderstood, a challenge I know that soo many of us face. By the end of this episode, I promise you'll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders and find the courage to stop letting others question you (and you getting overwhelmed/stressed out by it), and live confidently in your truth!

This episode is going to help you to navigate life's challenges with grace and confidence, and truly become the QUEEN of your own jungle. Let's f*cking goooo!

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Speaker 1:

Hey babe, welcome, or welcome back to the Badass Mindset Podcast. I'm your host, laci, and I'm going to help you train your brain and your body to manifest groundbreaking levels of health, happiness and success in your life. I'm so fired up. You're here because it is time for us as a society to rewrite the outdated belief that wanting and achieving more is greedy, selfish or just wishful thinking. We're about to go on a deep dive into mindset mastery, where you'll learn all about how to rewire your brain, turn your setbacks into your success story and awaken the ultimate badass that lives within you. So if you're ready to create some serious magic and epic results in your life, take a quick minute to set an intention for what you want to get out of listening to this episode, and then let's fucking go. Hello, good morning, babe. I hope you're having an amazing Monday. If you're listening to this on Monday, I think I just assume that everyone is listening on a Monday, because that's when new episodes come out every week, and so I'm just assuming that every single one of you are here listening every single week, and if you are, I love you.

Speaker 1:

And also, mondays are my favorite. They used to not be. I used to hate Mondays. I used to dread Mondays, like a lot of you. It's the start of school week. It's the start of a bunch of weekday responsibilities that you don't have during the weekend. For a lot of people it's a totally different vibe right, it's a vibe switch. So I used to not like Mondays, but I rewired that and now I love Mondays. They're actually my favorite day. For me, they feel like a fresh start, and we love a fresh start. We love a clean slate because you can create anything you want with a blank canvas. And you can create anything you want with a blank canvas and you can set yourself up for a really positive week to follow, and I just love that. I don't know the energy of starting fresh. I'm determined to make everybody Monday lovers. So if you currently identify as a Monday non-lover, don't worry, I'll probably convert you.

Speaker 1:

But this episode is brought to you in part by my unsolicited thoughts during my meditation just now. This is basically going to be a brain dump and hopefully, by the end, a weight lifted off of your shoulders and a permission slip to stop doing this thing that you're probably doing. I was doing it for years and years until somebody made me aware that I was doing it and then I changed how I was being and how I was experiencing this thing. But I was doing a meditation on manifesting and just really leaning in to the authenticity and the ease of being in complete alignment. And I was just picturing myself as this majestic lion just sitting in the jungle, perched up on my front legs, grazing my eyes over the jungle and just sitting there in total peace and confidence. And it's funny to me because I've never identified as a lion like ever. Some of you are going to be like uh yeah, lacey, neither have I. That'd be fucking weird, but I mean it in the sense. Some of you are going to get this.

Speaker 1:

Haven't you ever been asked the question if you could be any animal, what would you be? And, based on what you picked, you probably felt like you resonated with that animal in some way, either with their characteristics or the way they looked or the way they act. Something made you pick that animal because a part of you identifies with it. So that's what I mean when I say I've never identified as a lion. But lately I've really been identifying with this energy, because lions are strong, they're confident, they've got courage, they're known as the king of the jungle, but yet they're so calm Unless they need to be not calm, you know but outside of that, they're very calm and majestic.

Speaker 1:

And what this reminded me of is that I used to struggle huge time with the fear of being misunderstood and I'm not going to say I'm completely over that. I'm still rewriting this one because this is a big one that I dealt with all throughout my childhood. But I had this huge fear of being misunderstood and it definitely originated from being misunderstood, being punished for things that I didn't do, not believed, when I was telling the truth, looked at as a liar, accused of being a liar, or being questioned when there was no reason for me to be questioned, when there was no reason for me to be. All these things, all these experiences piled on and on, that created this limiting belief or this fear of being misunderstood by people, and for a good part of my life, this fear stopped me from showing up authentically, from being fully myself, from fully expressing myself or speaking my truth. The fear of being misunderstood, especially on a large platform or a large scale. It's something serious, man, especially in today's world with cancel culture and the ability that we have to take things out of context or to chop them down and only show a small snippet of the picture and put your own spin on it, like there's valid reasons here to have this fear of being misunderstood. But I remember one day I was in a heated conversation and I literally don't even remember what the conversation was about, but it was a family discussion with my husband, my mother-in-law, I think, maybe my sister-in-law I literally can't remember. But I remember my mother-in-law saying Lacey, you are defending what you believe to be the truth a little too hard. It comes across as suspicious. And I'm like you are defending what you believe to be the truth a little too hard. It comes across as suspicious. And I'm like what are you talking about? I'm defending it so hard because it's the truth. And she hit me with this one-liner that shut the whole conversation down and I was like damn. She said the truth does not have to be defended, the truth does not have to be explained. And I'm like, damn, you right 're right, you're right. And although it doesn't change the truth from being the truth, defending the truth with passion and excessive conviction comes across as sketchy, sometimes Like, if it's true, why are you fighting this so hard? We're all going to find out at some point. Truth always comes to light, right, and even if it doesn't, it doesn't change how you're living, the actions you're taking, your integrity, and if somebody can't be convinced to change their mind when facts are presented to them, they were never going to change their mind anyway. So you're literally just wasting your breath. People who are open to being wrong and having their mind changed when presented with facts will see that evidence pointing at this being the truth and they will change their mind, they will admit their fault and they will give you that confirmation that you're fighting for, which is validation that you were telling the truth or that you had the correct facts right. That's the only reason you're arguing is because you're seeking that validation of that. You're correct or you're not misunderstood. But whether somebody else believes you or not, or is willing to see the facts and see the truth for what it is or not, that does not change the way you move, you live or you do life. So what's your ammo? Do you just like to argue? I mean, hey, if you like to argue, get in debate, become a lawyer, I don't know. But if that's not what you're doing, then you're not getting your point across. In fact, you might be getting the exact opposite point across. And after she told me this, I'm like, damn, you're right. I started having these visualizations of myself during my meditations of being a lion, because a lion doesn't have to tell everybody that they're the king of the jungle, they don't have to convince everybody else that they're dangerous a force, they're strong, they're a leader. Everybody just knows their actions speak louder than their words. When it's time to show up and to follow through, take action, they are there doing what needs to be done, but outside of that, they're laid back, they're chill, they're quiet, they are just confidently sitting in their authentic nature and they're respected. But this is just something that I wanted to share because it kept coming through to me just now doing my meditation, and I'm like this was pretty transformative for me. It was a great perspective shift for me and maybe it can help you too. Maybe it's just the permission slip you need to stop defending your truth and to just know, just be confident in whatever that is and know that it doesn't change anything about you, it doesn't change your integrity. It doesn't change your integrity. If someone asks for elaboration or evidence to back up whatever you're saying, then great, now we can have a conversation, now I can present my evidence to you, not to convince you, but to show you why I believe this or why I think this right. But outside of that, defending yourself or your intentions to anyone who is not open-minded, not willing to change their mind when presented with better information, then you're only making yourself look and feel worse. It's not worth your time or your energy, definitely not worth your headspace, and you can finally breathe and just let it the fuck go, because you're a fucking lioness, and lions don't have to convince others of the truth, they just are. That fired me up Like, oh my God, I feel so good right now. I hope that was as activating for you as it was for me. It just makes me feel so confident and assured, like I don't have to explain shit to anybody. As long as I'm acting in alignment with my authentic nature, my truth, and I'm showing up for me and acting in integrity, I'm fucking good and I'm showing up for me and acting in integrity. I'm fucking good, I'm golden, and anybody questioning me or my intentions, that shit is not going to faze me. I'm not saying there's never a time to defend yourself or to defend the truth, but there's a very big difference of when it's worth it or it's a waste of your breath, and you just got to figure out that difference before moving forward in either direction. All right, queen, all right. You are now being inducted into this jungle of badasses as a lioness queen of the jungle, decider of her own destiny, destined for success and prosperity. If you loved this episode, find me on Instagram at Boldy Lacey or at Badass Mindset Podcast. Send me a DM and share with me your favorite takeaway or aha moment, or send me a cute roar for Lion. And if you really loved it, I'd be so grateful if you took less than 30 seconds of your time to leave a five-star review for the show. Reviews really help with searchability and rankings so that this message can spread and more women can find the support and the inspiration they need to rewire their brain and transform their life in the best way too. So you'll be doing us all a favor and helping the greater cause. But either way, I love you. Thank you so much for tuning in and I'll see you next week. Thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that. If you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you? These types of messages empower me to keep showing up, and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.