Ready To Transform Your Mindset and Become The Ultimate BADASS?! Welcome To The New and Improved: BADASS MINDSET PODCAST! Here Is What You Can Expect Moving Forward...

Lacy Wafer

Ready to transform your mindset and become the Ultimate BADASS? This episode marks an exciting rebrand of our podcast now called "BADASS MINDSET PODCAST!"

In this short 'Trailer Episode,' we'll unpack the reasons behind the change and how it perfectly aligns with our dedication to personal development and TRANSFORMATION!

Reflecting on nearly A WHOLE FREAKING YEAR of our journey together, I'll share how my focus has evolved and introduce the new structure you can expect from the show, moving forward. 

We'll be doing interviews with industry experts, monthly, and all sorts of episodes packed with actionable strategies to TRAIN your BRAIN and BODY to finally ACHIEVE your goals!!

If you're ready to join our BADASS community and TRANSFORM your whole life, in the best way, as we pave the way for an extraordinary future, go ahead and subscribe to the show on whatever platform you're listening in on to ensure you stay updated and never miss an episode! 

Your input and engagement TRULY matters, so please don't hesitate to utilize the link above to request topics or ask questions to be covered on a future episode! 

I'm SO grateful for your support and so EXCITED to witness our collective transformation and upleveling!! Hit that subscribe button now and let's continue this amazing journey together! Love you!!!!

Share a personal story or submit a question you'd like answered in a future episode!

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❤️‍🔥Add us on IG & TikTok @badassmindsetpodcast & @boldlylacy to connect deeper + ignite your journey and keep your growth game on point!!🤘🚀 Let’s goooo!

Speaker 1:

Hey babes, welcome, or welcome back to the podcast. I'm so grateful to have you here. If you've been here for a while, then you may have noticed some changes. So welcome to the new and improved podcast. And if this is your first time with me, then just welcome to the podcast. I'm so grateful that you're here.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to use this episode as a trailer to talk about the updates, why I made the name change, what's gonna be different about the podcast from now on? I've been podcasting for almost a year now, releasing a weekly episode every single Wednesday, religiously, and it has been great. I've learned a lot, I've gained a lot of experience, we've had a lot of fun together and I've reflected as I do and in my reflection I've been learning more and more that it was time for some small shifts to the brand and the show. So it's going to be a little different, but not crazy different. So in this short episode I'm going to explain what's going to be different. What is the structure going to look like from now on, what's going to be the lay of the land, that sort of thing, and then, with that information, you can make an educated decision about whether or not you would like to stick around, and hopefully you will. But if not, no hard feelings. I appreciate you being here, for whatever amount of time that you were, and wish you nothing but the best. Oh my god, why does this sound like a breakup speech? So what is the change and why? When I started this journey, I named the show the Bold and Badass Podcast, because it was all about becoming the most bold and badass version of yourself. And it's still very much that. But what I have come to realize and appreciate is that my entire personal development journey and healing journey, which began almost five years ago, all started with an upgraded mindset. It started with me learning how to rewire my brain to start thinking and feeling and acting as the woman that I wanted to be and therefore creating and attracting the outcomes I desired.

Speaker 1:

So you'll hear a lot of different coaches and speakers and personal development gurus tell you lots of different things about where your healing truly begins. Some will say it begins in the body. Some will say it begins with your health and your wellness. Some will say it begins in the body. Some will say it begins with your health and your wellness, some will say it begins with self-love, and while all of them are very much a piece to the puzzle. I believe with my whole heart that it truly begins with your mindset. Your mind is the root source of your entire experience. It's where you process information and where you determine how to make sense of that information and assign meaning to it, and then your brain tells your body how to feel. So the root of it all truly is the brain, your mindset, and, reflecting back over almost a year of podcast episodes that are all about personal development, rewiring your brain, becoming the most bold and badass version of yourself, they are all in alignment with that understanding. So this was an important reflection for me.

Speaker 1:

And then a second reason why I wanted to change the name is simply for SEO and searchability purposes. Obviously, I want the show and our community to grow and for us to have a dying chance, people need to be able to find us. So badass mindset is just a lot more searchable than the Bold and Badass podcast. If you don't already know that name, there's probably not a lot of people looking for that name, whereas lots of people are searching for mindset, and if we're actually good enough, then we'll show up in the rankings when that topic or niche gets searched for, and that's the goal. So that's the reason for the name change.

Speaker 1:

Now, what's going to be different? So up to now, it's been a lot of mix and match. I've done interviews, I've shared stories, I've done how-to episodes and trainings. I've done a lot of this, and that all under the personal development umbrella. Now, is that going to change? No, but I want to have a little bit more structure to it. So what you can expect from here on out is, every single month, I'm going to try and do at least one interview with someone in the space who brings a lot of value. Interviews will be done on the topics of transformation, tips and tricks for fast tracking your success when it comes to all the areas that you care about your money, your relationships, your health, you name it and I'll be looking to interview people based on what you guys are wanting as well.

Speaker 1:

So one of the new cool updates is that we have a link in the show notes now where you can request a topic or you can ask a question, and it can be answered on a future episode. So if you have a specific person you want to hear from or specific topic you want to learn about, you can let me know and if there's enough hype or curiosity around that specific person or that topic, then we can make it happen. So I'm really excited about that. You can expect at least one a month and then if you've been here, then you know I'm all about rewiring your brain and your body to start showing up and being the type of person that you want to be right now and basically training yourself to build the habits that are going to get you the lifestyle that you want. So at least once a month I'll have an episode about how to train your brain or your body to do XYZ. And this is another topic where, if you have a specific thing that you're trying to accomplish or a specific question about whatever you're trying to accomplish, you can message that in through the link in the show notes and I can make a specific episode just for you, answering your question or teaching you how to rewire your brain or your body to accomplish said goal. I'm really, really excited about this because this is my absolute favorite topic under the personal development umbrella to talk about. It's actually what lights me up and it's why I'm in school for neuroscience.

Speaker 1:

Neuroscience is the study of the brain and the nervous system. When I first learned how to rewire my brain, it blew my mind. I used to hate reading like absolutely loathed it. You couldn't have paid me to pick up a book because I hated it that much. I also sucked at it. When I rewired my brain to learn to love reading, to also be good at it, to be fast at it and to actually get the value and the benefits from reading, it was like it was like I'd been trapped in a jar for all of my life and someone opened the lid and I was like, oh my god, look at this big, gigantic, huge world of possibilities. And then one thing after, I started training my brain and my body to do certain things and I've never looked back. So this is my favorite subject and you can expect at least one episode on how to rewire your brain or your body for something every single month. Also once or twice a month, depending on the month. You know, some months we have four weeks and then some months we have five, depending on the day it lands on. Once or twice a month month you can expect a solo episode on some type of personal development or health and wellness topic. Now, my entire background is health and wellness.

Speaker 1:

I originally went to school for kinesiology. Long story short, I was sexually assaulted. That took a major toll on me mentally and physically and I stopped going to school for a while, eventually wrapped up a minor in kinesiology and got a few certifications from the National Association of Sports Medicine. I got my CPT, which is certified personal trainer. I got a nutrition certification, a weight loss specialist certification and an NLP certification, which is neurolinguistic programming. That NLP certification and the mindset coaching that I had before I got that NLP certification was what really put me on to neuroscience and all the fascinating things that the brain can do. So those are all the types of topics that you can expect to hear about in our episodes.

Speaker 1:

Here's what the Badass Mindset Podcast content pillars are. You can think of this as conversations. We'll have types of episodes that you can expect to find on here. All Things Mindset, rewiring your Brain, brain Training, reframing, growth, mindset, brain Food literally anything and everything that has to do with mindset. We'll cover Law of Attraction, attracting Abundance, attracting Magic, fulfillment, all the things We'll talk about Meditation, manifestation, visualization and the power of all of that. We'll talk about habits, goal setting, self-talk, the 1% rule, all the things you can do to build better habits that are going to support you and that you can sustain. You'll learn how to set yourself up for success better every single week.

Speaker 1:

We'll cover topics under the holistic health umbrella emphasis on holistic things under the topic of nutrition, fitness, self-care, cycle syncing that's also one of my favorite things to talk about. I think all women need to learn how to do this. We'll talk about emotional intelligence, sleep, health and any other things that you guys want to talk about or that you're curious about, anything that's important to you. I am open ears. And then, of course, I'll sprinkle in some personal stories and tell you about what I have going on in my life, because, even though you can't respond in real time, I want this to feel like we're sitting on the couch together chatting over coffee, extremely comfortable with one another, open ears, open-minded and just helping each other get through life and have a better experience. So that's what you can expect.

Speaker 1:

I also really love the idea of, once a month, having a Q&A episode where you guys are submitting in your questions throughout the month in the link in the show notes and then I have an episode dedicated to answering those questions or covering any topics that you're wanting to hear about, and then having a dedicated reflecting and planning session, because this is something that's really important, that I talk about a lot is setting yourself up for success. I do this yearly, monthly, weekly, and I try to do daily, but at the very minimum I do this weekly. So I will sit down, I will reflect over the previous allotted amount of time. We'll say monthly, since what we're talking about here is potentially doing this monthly, but we'll reflect over the previous month. What went really well this month? What did not go so well? Why do I think these things went really well? Or why do I think these things did not go so well? What could I potentially do differently next time to have a better experience and a better outcome? We just ask ourselves these questions and we come up with a plan and set ourselves up better for the next month ahead so that we can hopefully get a better outcome and have a better experience throughout the process. I love doing this so much and having this reflection and planning time every single week, month and year. It's sacred to me and I would just really love to share that with you and have a dedicated session time where we do this and this whole community is thriving and reaching badass goals together. Like, how freaking cool does that sound? If you're in, let me know you're in, okay, but that's the plan for the structure going forward.

Speaker 1:

And one last change I want to mention is currently we've been releasing episodes every single Wednesday. Moving forward, starting on Monday, august 5th, the Badass Mindset podcast will release episodes every single Monday. There are a couple reasons for this, one being that when I did my initial intake form before I ever launched the podcast, I asked a good bit of you when do you typically listen to podcasts? And the majority of you said Monday mornings. I still chose Wednesday because at the time that felt more right for me and it was more realistic for my schedule, so that I could stay consistent on my release times. But, moving forward, I'm going to move it to Monday because that's when most of you guys are listening. And, secondly, because it's the first day of the new week and although a lot of people do not like Mondays, that's their least favorite day of the week it's my most favorite and it's my most favorite because I rewired my brain and my body to love it and to feel good on Mondays. So my goal with this is to set you up as well to love Mondays and to start your week off on a high note and set the tone for the rest of your week with a great Monday.

Speaker 1:

So, if that sounds all right with you, pop into the link right below in the show notes and give me an I can't wait or a let's fucking go. All right, that's it for this episode. It's already a little longer than I had intended for it to be, but I wanted to make sure you knew what to expect moving forward, and you knew 100% without a doubt, whether this community and this podcast is for you, because if you like what you're hearing so far, it's about to get so much better. So if you don't want to miss when a new episode comes out, go to the show right now on whatever app you're listening to this on and hit that subscribe button for me. Or if you just want to support, because subscribes definitely help with rankings, but go ahead and hit that subscribe button right now and you will never miss when an episode comes out. All right, thank you so much for being here, babe. I'm so grateful for you. I can't wait to see all the growth you're going to make and to become total fucking badasses together. Love you.