Why so serious?

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 42

Ever wonder how the universe works when you mix gratitude with a dash of positivity? This episode is all about embracing life's every moment with the enthusiasm of the Kardashians. Why wait for special occasions when the beauty of life is in every single day? In this community, we romanticize the mundane, we celebrate our smallest victories, and we  inject fun wherever we can into our daily routines. 

Grab your coffee, water, or whatever you fancy, and let’s make some magic together!!

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Speaker 1:

Hey, bestie, welcome, or welcome back to the Bold and Badass Podcast. I'm your host, lacey, and I'm fired up that you're here, because I am so tired of women feeling inadequate for not being further along in life and like they're crazy or ungrateful, even for wanting more. On this show, I'm going to help you cut through the noise, turn your setbacks into your success story and become the most bold and badass version of you. I'm talking about calling in the most exciting opportunities, experiences and people into your life and claiming the abundance that is your birthright. So if you're ready to make some serious magic happen, grab your coffee and water and let's fucking go. Hello, beautiful, I hope you're having an amazing week. I am having an amazing week, so I'm coming at you with all the energy today and hopefully I can rub off on you a little bit. I'm just having a lot of good things happen, a lot of positive, magnificent outcomes, and I don't know. I'm just really excited. Manifestations and visions are coming to life, things that have been in the works for years or months, and it's all just so freaking exciting. So squeeze me. If you don't follow me on Instagram or if we're not friends on Facebook, I'm going to need you to go and follow me right now at Boldly Lacey. You are going to absolutely die. I absolutely died when I saw the outcome from my photo shoot recently. I talked about this on another episode, but I won a free heart dog session from the best pet photographer in the DFW and we just had our session a week ago and she already got us the pictures back and they are freaking to die for, absolutely to die for. So, in case you didn't hear the other episode, just to give a recap on what the heart dog session is and how I want it and whatnot, I've been following this photographer for almost five years now and when I originally got pregnant with Jalen, my four-year-old, back in 2019, I was thinking of ways to do my pregnancy reveal and I was like, ooh, I want to do a photo shoot with Jovi, my miniature pincher, and we can reveal the pregnancy that way.

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So I started looking at pet photographers and I found this one and she has the best work. But at the time the investment was out of budget for me. I couldn't quite afford it at the time, so I had to kind of leave it at that. But I continued following her for all of these years and back in April of this year 2024, I received an email from this photographer, because I guess I signed up for her list a long time ago and they were coming up on their 10 year anniversary of being in business. So in celebration of their 10 year anniversary, they were gifting 10 sessions that they were calling heart dog sessions. And basically what a heart dog session is it's a session with your dog or your pet, that is the piece of your heart and soul. So because she had such a tight connection and bond with one of her animals and she was thinking about the day when that animal would no longer be here, she wanted to be able to commemorate that somehow. So she started taking photos of her animal and discovered that she had a real knack and a real freaking talent for it. And then, when that animal did unfortunately pass, she was so grateful that she had those photos and those memories to live on and that became a passion based business for her and it has just absolutely flourished and blossomed since. And so these heart dog sessions.

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There was a whole application process and the moment I saw the email come through I was like, oh my God, this is my moment. So I applied, I had an interview and something in me was like this is for us, Like we are going to manifest this, and so I was putting out all the good energy, I was being in gratitude for this every single day. Before I knew it was even happening, I was in gratitude and, whether it happened or not, I was grateful either way for even having the opportunity and even having the connection to this human, because, truthfully, if I didn't win it, I would have eventually booked a session anyway. But I just felt so much gratitude for this existing because I had been wanting to do this for years anyway. And I don't know about you maybe you can relate to this but I currently live in the land of Delulu.

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When it comes to my jovie girl, I do not believe that she is ever going to die. She is my literal heart. You can hear her barking in the background maybe, but I've always known that I want to commemorate her beautiful life on this earth in some way. And then this opportunity comes, comes along, and I'm like, oh yeah. So I took action on it. I filled out the application, I did the interview, I led with my heart, I showed up fully and I felt really good about the interview and then, lo and behold, we were one of the selected 10. And so we set up the photo shoot and the photos came out so amazingly and I'm just so proud of them, I'm so happy. And let me just tell you, robin Robin is the photographer. I gave her a rundown of the vision.

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I'm like purple for sure, think high fashion, fierce bougie, me and Jovi. We're like twins. She is my spirit animal. Actually, I got her originally as my emotional support animal and somewhere along the way I became her emotional support animal. Like we are tied at the hip when we're around each other, when we're at home together, so she's basically my little lap dog. We're always together. You can't separate us and she really is like my twin flame. Actually, I call her my firstborn. Isaiah makes fun of me because I think of her as my actual child. I take her into consideration when I'm making decisions and I really treat her like a real child, a real human baby, and that's how I think of her, that's what she means to me.

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So this was near and dear to me and I was just so excited and they came out so wonderful, and all that to say. So many people laughed. They're like oh my God, that's so extra. These are great, these are amazing. But also like what the fuck, lacey? Only you. And to that I say, yeah, why not? I don't care about being the weird person anymore. I don't care about being the oddball or extra. As a matter of fact, it really lights me up. This was something that made my heart and my soul so happy, and I don't want to dim that for the sake of not being the weird one, I don't want to water myself down for the sake of fitting in and not being labeled.

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And let me tell you, I have come to find over the last decade or so I am a very creative person and maybe in another life I'm a creative director, an interior designer, I love real estate, I love design, I love all things Creativity, and that's probably why I'm in event planning right now, because I absolutely love it. It fills my soul and I think I'm really good at it. But that is something that makes me happy and it comes natural and I really find myself getting into a flow state. So why would I take that away from myself? Or why would I hold myself hostage from having that experience, that deeply fulfilling experience, and I have so many times in the past held myself back. But the message I want to bring to you today is sometimes we just need to stop taking ourselves so seriously and we need to just do what makes us happy, even if it is a little silly or laughable or freaking.

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Extra for crying out loud. It is no secret today that I am extra as fuck, that I love going above and beyond, doing the most when it comes to literally anything. But it took me a bit to get this way. It took me a bit to really lean in and be comfortable being this way, because I have been labeled so much of my life loud, weird, extra, doing too much, difficult. The list goes on and on. And so I did dim myself down for a long time. I dimmed my own light because I was afraid to stand out in the wrong way or to be put under the spotlight, because that leaves you susceptible to ridicule, criticism, humiliation, embarrassment, all the things right. But I've never looked back and regretted doing something that lit my soul up. Do you know what I mean? I wasn't sure if I would be the type of mom that does the most like, cuts the little sandwiches into stars or makes cute shapes for pancakes and does all the extra things for their kid. But I have found that I am 150% that mom and I am not ashamed.

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I did the absolute most for my four-year-old's most recent birthday party. He's obsessed with Halloween currently and his birthday is March 29th and he wanted to do Halloween in March. So we did. We literally went all out. I decorated the whole house. We did costumes. I spent nearly an entire day making cute little treats for the kids to go along with the theme. I did little spiderweb pretzels with the chocolate drizzle. I made hot dog croissants that looked like mummies. I dipped those Nutter Butter cookies into white chocolate and made them into little ghosts, gave them a little face Like I did the literal most and I was so proud of it. And Jalen may not even care or remember years from now, but I will and I'm going to remember that this was something that I was so excited to do to celebrate my kid and maybe he won't remember the details and the decor, but he'll remember that he had an amazing birthday and people showed up for him and they celebrated him, and to me that's what matters, and this doesn't have to be something that you spend loads of money or time or energy or effort on. In fact, I did this all for less than $200.

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But if it interests or excites you in any way, why not? Like, do the most for your family. Do the most for yourself. Who cares if anybody thinks you're silly or embarrassing or weird? Like, do you go to bed to them at night? No, if you do, fuck that, isaiah, my husband. He laughs at me all the time but he knows that I live for this and if your partner or the people that you surround yourself with and call friends do not support or love that about you, then they're not your people anyways.

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One of the biggest regrets that I have in my life to this day it happened probably eight or nine years ago now was not go to a concert that I really, really wanted to go to because I didn't have somebody to go with. I freaking love the Fray and they were going to be here in Dallas at a medium-sized venue. It wasn't anything huge or crazy, but it also wasn't tiny and I was so scared to go by myself. I didn't want to be there alone. I thought it was going to be awkward, I would look weird or something, and I really went back and forth on whether or not I wanted to go anyways, but ultimately I decided not to go because I didn't have anyone to go with the next day. I immediately regretted not going, and it's literally haunted me ever since. I don't know why it's such a small thing, but it has haunted me ever since, and this happened eight to nine years ago.

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I have never regretted doing the most or going above and beyond for something that I care about or that excites me or makes me light up. I have only regretted the things that I did not do that I really wanted to do for fear of embarrassment, humiliation, being labeled a weirdo or an outcast, or being judged. So this is my attempt to empower you and to give you a permission slip that you never needed, but maybe you were waiting on to be the weirdo. Be extra, do the absolute most, live your life to the absolute fullest, because what else are we here to do? Literally, we were not born to wake up, go to work, loathe our day, come home, watch TV, go to bed. Repeat Every single day for the next 40 to 50 years of our lives, until we've saved enough money to barely get by for the next 10 or so years until we die. That is not what this life is about. I don't fucking want that life. I don't know about you. I would assume if you're listening to this, you probably don't want that shit either. So, within your means, of course, live your life, girl.

Speaker 1:

Celebrate every moment. Anything and everything is a means for celebration. You know a lot of people don't like the Kardashians and their family and whatever. This is neither here or there. I'm not talking about whether or not I like them, but one thing that I do love is they are always celebrating. They are always throwing a party or some kind of celebration for somebody or something. For every little thing there's a party right, and we can go back and forth on whether it's for show, whether it's for clout, whether it's for this or that or the other, but again, that's neither here or there. I don't care about that.

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What I'm talking about is romanticizing your life, making every moment that you can special, making the little things a big deal, and you and I have the same freedom and every right to do the same and celebrate every moment that we can, for any reason, big or small, and we should. I don't know about you, but I want to enjoy my life. I want to live it to the fullest. I want to look forward to things I want to express and I want to have joy in my life for absolutely no reason other than I'm just alive and because I decided to so again. Not that you needed any permission, but this is your permission slip to say fuck it. Stop taking yourself so seriously, stop taking life so seriously and just have a little fun. Make all of the little moments special as much and as often as you can, as much as you have the capacity and the means to, because it really does matter. It really is the little things that matter.

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You don't have to drop bags to celebrate any occasion or celebrate anything that you're proud of or happy about. And maybe it is a little quirky, but maybe that's also what makes you so special and an exciting person to do life with. I can't speak for you. I don't know if you think about me that way or if you think I'm just a weirdo, in which case. If you think I'm just a weirdo, in which case if you did, I don't know why you're following me or listening to this, but I freaking love people who live their life to the fullest. I love people who express to the fullest. I love people who celebrate for no reason other than to just celebrate, because it's fun, because they wanna be happy and they value life and other humans and their successes. I love people with energy like that and I want to be energy like that and I want to be more like that. So I hope this hit home for you and I hope that you start doing the most or the least to make your life just a little more colorful, a little more joyful, a little more exciting, so that you always feel like you have something to look forward to and to celebrate, because you truly do, just by waking up and breathing for another day. I love you so much.

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Let me know if you loved this episode, reach out to me on Instagram at Bollie Lacey, share any feedback you have, or they actually added this new feature to the podcast hosting platform where you can click in the show notes. There should be a button that says send us a text message or something like that. If you click on that, you can actually send me a message. That way, I would love to hear from you, know your thoughts, know something that you're celebrating in your life, something going great for you, something you're proud of or grateful for. I love hearing from you guys about your successes and all the things going on in your life and, of course, if you haven't already, I would appreciate more than anything if you would take less than 30 seconds to leave the show a five-star review.

Speaker 1:

Tell me which episode is your favorite or what you love about the show specifically, any breakthroughs you've had or any manifestations that you've created from the tools that you've implemented here. I appreciate it so much and I appreciate you for being here and tuning in from the bottom of my heart. All right, I love you, have an amazing day and I will see you again next week. Thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that. If you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you? These types of messages empower me to keep showing up and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.