Breaking Ancestral Trauma for a Healthier Pregnancy and Motherhood ft. CAROLINA SOTOMAYOR (Fertility Reiki Womb Healer)

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 40

Can energy healing change your path to motherhood? This episode of the podcast features Carolina, an expert in Reiki, who reveals how channeling life force energy can be a game-changer for women struggling with infertility. Carolina walks us through the transformative potential of Reiki in releasing emotional blockages like anger and resentment, particularly those stored in the pelvic area, which can impact fertility. You'll gain a deeper understanding of how unprocessed trauma affects emotional health and why achieving emotional safety is crucial for anyone on a healing journey.

Carolina shares her own experiences with a severe concussion and postpartum depression, illustrating how addressing ancestral wounds and buried traumas can lead to profound healing. This segment underscores the importance of emotional readiness before conception and how breaking cycles of ancestral trauma can create a healthier experience of pregnancy and motherhood. Her journey from struggle to becoming a healer herself provides hope and guidance for others on similar paths.

Whether you're at the beginning of your fertility journey or facing ongoing challenges, this episode offers a supportive, vibrant space filled with valuable insights and encouragement!!

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Speaker 1:

Hey, bestie, welcome, or welcome back to the Bold and Badass Podcast. I'm your host, lacey, and I'm fired up that you're here, because I am so tired of women feeling inadequate for not being further along in life and like they're crazy or ungrateful, even for wanting more. On this show, I'm going to help you cut through the noise, turn your setbacks into your success story and become the most bold and badass version of you. I'm talking about calling in the most exciting opportunities, experiences and people into your life and claiming the abundance that is your birthright. So if you're ready to make some serious magic happen, grab your coffee and water and let's fucking go.

Speaker 1:

All right, carolina, I'm so excited to have you on the show today and to talk about Reiki and how women can use it to conceive and heal their infertility and other things. You have been somebody that's been able to help so many women conceive after performing Reiki, so we're going to dive in, and I'd love to start off by, just for anybody who doesn't know what Reiki is, if they've never heard of it, can you explain what is Reiki and also how were you introduced to it?

Speaker 2:

Well, thanks for having me. I'm so grateful to share space with you. Reiki is a life force, energy. That's essentially that makes something alive, versus not so Reiki. When a person is giving you Reiki, they are a channel for it and the Reiki comes from mother earth, from the earth and universe. It does not come from the practitioner and that energy is channeled through their hands and gives it to you, and that can be done in person or remotely, or some people call it distance Reiki, so a lot of people will do it on TikTok YouTube. Some people do Reiki ASMR. Reiki can be done in a lot of different ways and it's evolved. So some people add in the ASMR.

Speaker 2:

I use it for fertility. Reiki can feel like tingles, waves of warmth. People can yawn or cough as the lower vibrational energy leaves your body. So Reiki holistically heals you from all layers of your being, from your mind, your body, your spirit. All of it gets healed at once. So it's also, if you're like a person like me, that's like very strategic and once things done as quickly as possible or as efficient as possible, it's a really efficient way to heal. So I find that Reiki with fertility treatment plans or if any type of treatment you plan to be doing or if you're doing talk therapy.

Speaker 2:

Reiki removes the trauma or the lower vibrational things that are stuck in your tissues that potentially can make you sick. It removes those, brings it to the surface and is replaced with Reiki frequency, which is the love frequency. So anything that might come to the surface, you potentially could cry. Sometimes people cough, sometimes people are so relaxed they just go straight to sleep.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes there's Reiki guided meditations where you have a healing experience and the practitioner is moving through all of your chakras. You could see colors of the chakras as those energies are leaving that chakra. If you're sometimes like for me, whenever I would do a Reiki session in person and I was receiving it, I could see, I would drift off into this really deep meditative space and I would see my dad, who has passed, or I would see other loved ones, I would see my spirit guides. So it really can be a spiritual experience. Reiki it doesn't interfere with your faith and it doesn't interfere with any medical treatment plan, but it does promote healing, meaning your body is going to have a raised and increased vibration. So anything that is lower vibration, like anger, resentment, worry it's going to push the surface and out.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's very gentle, very interesting, okay. So I'm well-versed in chakras and anybody who's not. This is your energetic body, so you have your physical body. You have a spiritual body, a mental, emotional and an energetic body, and when we're talking about Reiki and chakras, we're talking about the energy body. So I want to go a little deeper on. How exactly do emotions and unprocessed trauma, how does that, get stored in the body? How does that actually happen?

Speaker 2:

Well, trauma can be stored inside of our muscles and that can create memory responses, like if you flinch or if you have a reaction. That can get stored in your muscles Energetically. Our womb, which is our sacral plexus chakra, is like our emotional center. So if you have unhealed trauma, you're going to have a lot of that stored in your pelvic bowl. So if you're trying to conceive, or just as a woman who might be going through an awakening or trying to connect with her divine feminine, you want to look at your emotional health and how do you feel emotions? How do you store emotions? Do you feel your emotions the full way through? Do you feel connected or safe enough within yourself to feel your emotion the full way through, instead of just shoving it of us shutting down and being taught by society and parents and whomever of like? No, you're fine, you're fine, you're fine.

Speaker 2:

And we have to decondition ourselves to feel our emotions and, as they come up, we have to come up with some kind of I call it a ritual or some kind of emotional regulation practice, because life still happens. While you're healing, you get triggered at work or have an argument with your partner, whatever it may be. How are you going to handle what you're feeling? Do you identify what is it you're feeling? Does that belong to you? Are you want to release it or do you want to keep it? And we have to do a little bit of realignment before you can even get to that spot. And for me that emotional safety is almost the first thing that if I can help a person achieve after a chakra alignment with Reiki and we can focus on that in the womb, then we can start to heal major shadow stuff if they're trying to conceive. That's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you've been able to help 100 women conceive 97, exactly 97, exactly, okay, 97 women conceive after Reiki healing, and I know there's women listening in that are struggling or have struggled with infertility or they know someone who has. So how did you discover the magic of this and how it is correlated with fertility?

Speaker 2:

Me. I suffered with infertility after my dad died. I was a newlywed and I couldn't get pregnant. There was nothing medically wrong with me. I was put into grief therapy and they're like you're just really sad, you need to talk to a therapist. So I started grief therapy. My dad's death was my start of my spiritual awakening and that's when I started to learn all things spiritual. Fast forward like a year and a half into that journey and I fell off my horse. I had a horse and he went right. I went left, ended up in a ditch I concussion, put on medical leave.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't drive, couldn't be on my iPad, couldn't be on my phone and I had memory issues. So my husband drove me to the psychic shop where I would buy crystals and I would take classes and she would give me an occasional reading I would pay for. And she's like you don't need any crystals for your concussion, you need your throat and your sacral plexus are blocked. And I was like, okay, skeptical, much. Then that same week the therapist gave me an ultimatum. She's like you either need to get on. It was really angry.

Speaker 2:

At this point I was so frustrated with being sad, I was so frustrated with this grief and I was so frustrated with, like, everything that was happening. I was frustrated that I had fallen off my horse and I was trying to get pregnant. But I knew, if I didn't get back on my horse soon and I did get pregnant that I wouldn't be able to ride anymore. Because I made a promise to my husband Like if I get pregnant I'm not going to ride anymore. And I knew that if, also, I didn't get back on my horse soon, I was probably just never going to ride again, cause after you do a fall and it's a nasty fall, like I- was like I was scared.

Speaker 2:

I was like if I don't get on soon, I think I just might give up riding. Sure enough, I gave up riding. I got pregnant after one Reiki session. The therapist had said do pharmaceuticals or go get a Reiki session, because you need something, something has to change for you and you've been in here once or twice a week for a long time so you know shit or to get off the pot, so got Reiki. And the next month I was pregnant with Ollie and he's seven, and I got Reiki through my entire pregnancy.

Speaker 2:

I had a very complicated pregnancy. I had a very traumatic birth, an emergency C-section, got an infection, ollie was in NICU. It was nasty and the postpartum depression was really severe and it took me a really long time to come out of. And Reiki getting regular Reiki sessions combined with talk therapy, kept me functioning and then after a certain point I no longer had this dark, looming, irrational cloud around me. And then that's when I started to heal.

Speaker 2:

The more Reiki certifications I got and the more I dived into womb healing. I started to serve people and I started to practice with the public and I started to see patterns. And it dawned on me one day is like. What came up for me in my postpartum was my abortion and my assault. And all this unworthiness from my childhood, from the childhood abuse I had endured, came up in my postpartum of like I have this perfect baby boy with. We're here, we're safe, we're healthy. I just felt so unworthy in that fueled a lot of dark moments with sleep deprivation.

Speaker 2:

Postpartum can be really hard, but me going to get Reiki and my husband holding the baby in the same room like that's how close I needed him to be and having the support of my therapist and just that consistency and that regularity where I could just go and reset and my lungs would expand, because it was like after my dad died I couldn't breathe the same. And, yeah, reiki allowed me to breathe. It was a reset and I would feel like a normal person for a few days after the Reiki session every month. And then I started to serve women. I was like, wait a minute, everything's going back to the sacral chakra. And then I dived into what does that mean and what does it serve? And what are these patterns? Why does it always go this one spot? What does this mean for me? And when you're a healer, your clients mirror what you're supposed to heal or what you're healing and I was like, what is this coming up for both? And then someone just called me the womb healer one day and I was like that's a stretch.

Speaker 2:

I was like I don't know about that.

Speaker 1:

But you didn't choose this life, it chose you.

Speaker 2:

I got very comfortable. I started healing my assault, I started healing my abortion and then I had not told anyone about my assault for a long time. But when I came forth with it and this is way after my son's probably too when I told my husband, I told my mom. My mom told me that sexual abuse was very prominent in our family and I had not known that. And it doesn't surprise me. Everyone in our family has had that done to them and I was like so what? So then I went down that rabbit hole with a shaman and I healed our ancestral sexual abuse and did a lot of work with that, with my own assault, and what did that mean for me and how did that affect my womb and how can I not be triggered by this? How can I walk with this story now that it's known?

Speaker 2:

So womb healing, wasn't it just the patterns I saw as a healer, as an industry leader? Yes, you go first and it's usually people have endured something really traumatic for them to want to make an impact in the world and unfortunately I went through those events. But now I serve fertility through postpartum. The more that we can heal upfront before you conceive, the easier fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum will be Doesn't mean life won't happen or things can't go sideways, but it just means that you deserve a positive experience through it all and you're going to increase your chances of getting the things that you want to achieve during those really vulnerable experiences.

Speaker 2:

The more you can heal upfront, the less one you're going to give to your child. You're ending ancestral trauma. When you heal, you're changing your whole family tree with the work that we do, and two is that you're going to have more capacity to be the version of you that you wish to be. So that's really why I do this work. If I had healed and I had done therapy like all through my 20s yeah, but it didn't it wasn't the same.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not shadow work and essentially, if you want to know, I'll give it all away because everyone needs to know I'm not a gatekeeper. This is shadow work, yes, but with Reiki which means is we're getting down to the wound of like. When was the first time someone made you feel invisible? When's the first time someone made you feel unsafe? When's the first time when someone told you to be quiet? When's the first time somebody told you to take up less space? When's the first time that someone told you that you weren't worth anything?

Speaker 2:

Or when was the first time you felt that let's go back to the root, the rest of it is funny. If you can go back to the root between zero and seven ages. Like those years, a lot of the other symptoms fall away.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, I'm resonating so hard with all of this and I appreciate you sharing that vulnerable story. I personally went through something like that Seven years ago when I was raped. That's when my spiritual awakening began and that's when I started therapy, like you said, and it was a great start. It was a good foundation, but it wasn't the end all be all for me either. But it wasn't the end all be all for me either. That's when I started getting into mindset work, rewiring the brain, healing holistically and energetically, and so everything you're saying I'm so hype over here it's speaking to my soul. I love it. So, with that, your blockages specifically came from the sexual trauma. Actually, you didn't.

Speaker 2:

No, it was a consequence of other things. No, my dad was my blockage in my womb. No, okay, my father wound was super massive, so my dad was not ever a hundred percent there. My dad and my mom got divorced when I was 11 months but they separated when she was six months pregnant with me. I was very, very unwanted and it was very well announced throughout my life that you were not wanted by him. You were not wanted. I saved you, yada, yada, yada.

Speaker 2:

So like he was absent from my life until age 15. And then I went to live with him at age 15 because it was not working out with my mom and he's like well, you're only here because that way I don't have to pay his child support. So it was very difficult from zero to 15. I was with her and then, 15 on, so very not feeling worthy, deep daddy issues, abandonment, not showing up, having no self-worth, having no confidence, feeling absolutely ugly. And then that caused me to choose when I went to college choose dangerous men because they showed me attention and they made me feel safe and wanted and feel feeling that whole.

Speaker 2:

And then when he died, because he was the only person that never physically hurt me, I called him my person and it was like, oh, my person, I feel safe with him because he never hit me. But I didn't know much about verbal abuse then. I didn't know anything about narcissism until much later, much into grief therapy, even like probably year five after he passed that's when I learned I was like, oh damn. So when he died because I had this fake sense of safety with him because of the story I had stories are important. The stories that you tell yourself are so important, so important. Yes, the story I told myself when he died was he's my safety in the world because he's the person that's never hit me. And I got married that year. My husband didn't make me feel safe, but my dad was my grounding force in the world. So when he died, not feeling safe is what blocked me from getting pregnant. So it was really a lack of safety.

Speaker 1:

And dad's bring or teach you safety, Like your number one sense from birth on, or it's it's supposed to be, that masculine energy is the protector provider, that safety. So that makes a lot of sense how that would have been the the way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I probably didn't feel safe until maybe just a few years ago, like fully safe all the time, like being in my house, being myself and not having that panic of like someone's gonna get me. Yeah, my whole life didn't end until a few years ago and he's been dead now 10 years. So what blocked my fertility was my father. Okay, so, what I learned from my own journey. I'm a human design projector, so I'm a manifesting generator. I love human design.

Speaker 1:

We're going to have a whole nother talk on another topic.

Speaker 2:

So as a human design projector, I can foresee, I can see the things. And for me was like what can I take away from my journey that I'm seeing in my clients? And then one day I just woke up and was like, oh my God, I've done, I've lived. What I'm trying to do Just occurred to me one day. I was like, oh my God, I was forced to write down what my Reiki story was. I was forced to write down what my birth story was, my fertility journey, my postpartum journey. One day with a business coach, I was like, fuck, this is.

Speaker 2:

But then the thing that happened was the father wound and then I started to identify what's the mother wound and then when I did research, I was like, oh, this is a thing. Yes, very much.

Speaker 1:

This is a thing out there. So, when working with so many women and helping them overcome that, what have you noticed as common wounds? Are there any specific wounds that are more prominent than others?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so just in general, whether you're trying to conceive or not, but if you want to make the biggest breakthrough for women, the number one is start with the father wound. That is, how do you receive love, how do you feel safe, how do you allow yourself to show in the world, how do you feel your emotions All of that super important for all the rest of the things. So I approach it as the father wound is the most important. Then, depending on where the person's at, I will recommend either doing the mother wound next or the inner child. So if you do father mother, a lot of the inner child wound gets healed, because it's very very attached, yeah, yeah, inter-entwined, attached, yeah, perfect word, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And the mother wound is nurturing and also love. How did you receive yeah? So for that is a lot of. Also with her is like connection with how much tenderness, how much softness did you get? How were you rewarded with love from her? That's really important. When it comes to her child. Work is like did you receive love only when you got a straight A, or did you have to outdo everyone else in your house to get praise from her? Did you only feel safe when he was home, or was he home and not physically affectionate? So then, that also correlates. How do you define what are your core values or what are your beliefs around giving and receiving love? Everything from those two relationships shapes, because you inherit those limiting beliefs, right?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Then there's just it's not a one-time thing. That's another thing. Healing is not a one-time event, it's a relationship, exactly. To have a relationship with money. You need to have a relationship with healing.

Speaker 1:

It's a lifelong journey. I mean you up-level obviously you get better you heal. You up level obviously you get better you heal, you respond better, you get more emotionally aware, you can regulate faster and better. But it's a long journey 100%.

Speaker 2:

So for me it would be father wound, mother wound, inner child. If we're doing infertility, then I would do your conception and birth into the world and then I would do also sexual partners and any losses that you may have had or fertility attempts. Anytime you attempt to have a baby through Clomid or a pharmaceutical or an IVF round or an IUI and it's not successful, I treat that as a loss because there's so much that goes into it and there is an energetic loss there. So we honor that with a womb clearing and blessing. Those are usually the orders and ancestral and they're depending like the first three. Those are usually what I do first and then the rest can go in. Whatever order comes up for the person or usually from choosing the father and mother wound, things will come up. Maybe you do ancestral next in your child and it trickles over, okay.

Speaker 2:

Other people do it differently. Some people do it by chakras. They might start at the root, yeah, and kind of work up. There is no wrong way to heal, but for me is if you're particularly looking at your womb father, mother because that's how you receive love and also influences how creative you are or how empowered you feel to express your passions and just things that you want to create in the world. You birth so much in the world and people don't even know that. Or you feel empowered to ask for something in intimacy, or to ask for pleasure, or even feel like they can self-pleasure. I mean, it's just a lot more than sex in your womb.

Speaker 1:

Of course. Yeah, that's what I was going to ask. So I've done a lot of inner child work and I know that I have the mother wound and I've done a lot of deep exploration in that as well. But what if someone doesn't know? Maybe they're not aware that they have any specific energetic wounds. Would you recommend them just starting from the beginning, like you said, with the father, then the mother, then the inner child, or is there some kind of way to determine, to say, oh, that resonates. Maybe that is something that I need to explore more.

Speaker 2:

I have a framework in my membership, specifically if you're trying to conceive. Okay, I have written and recorded meditations. I call it the make a baby method and the most common blockages that are keeping a person from getting pregnant. I think there is nine or 10 in there and they're specifically related to this. There's a chakra realignment father, mother, inner child, ancestor, your conception and birth into the world, because how you're born in the world has a lot to do with it. Sexual partners, like taking back your power and then womb clearing and blessing, and then there's a miscarriage and lost one there too. Those are the key points to hit when you're trying to conceive and also the key points in shadow work. You can get into specifics like mindset, or you can get into specifics of abandonment, but those come from the wound, those come from the relationship.

Speaker 2:

One that I'm going to implement that I'm super excited about is Akashic records and going into past lives, and that's different than ancestral and I'm super excited about that. But, like so, is there anything that you're carrying over from a past life? For me, I do believe even if a person has a really beautiful relationship with their father now, it doesn't mean there's not something they don't have to heal. And it doesn't also mean that your dad is a bad person or your mom's a bad person. It just means that you have a traumatic event that needs to be healed that potentially could be blocking, event that needs to be healed that potentially could be blocking.

Speaker 2:

Now I do womb scans so I can see inside the wombs, and usually I'm spot on as like, okay, see, there's a little bit of heaviness around your kidneys or around the back of your womb. I would say, okay, at the next appointment can you check on this? Or I think your lining is a little too thin. And then I might ask how long is your period? Or something like that, and be like, okay, check with your doctor, ask this question or whatever. And that's just me channeling, connecting to their spirit guides or spirit baby. I might be pulling them into the session and saying what do you have to say? Or there's even better, is an angel baby that has been connected, and then maybe they have lost. I'm like, okay, tell me what was your experience like inside?

Speaker 1:

the womb.

Speaker 2:

Or also a spirit baby might say the exact thing that I'm like okay, so we want you to come. Like what, what WTF? Like when are you coming? I'm like we're ready for you and like the person that I worked with last week she's on her third round of IVF is she has to stop being the man she has to get good at everything and that comes from and we had worked on her father wounds, we had worked on her mother wound.

Speaker 2:

But she had suffered so much losses, not just like baby losses, but a lot of people die in her life and she had to be the adult in her home and she had four siblings, so she was one of five. So for her she got rewarded and affirmed and validated for being. Her coping mechanism to show up in life was to be in a masculine form of herself.

Speaker 2:

She had a hard time accepting help or asking for help. But if you think about it, pregnancy is receiving you're receiving a cell, you're receiving sperm, you're receiving an embryo, you're receiving medicine. So the number one thing in femininity, the masculine thing, is to give and to fix. The feminine response is to receive. Yes, so that was what we channeled. So then we very thoughtfully coached through that session. Where could you ask for help and you feel safe in asking in that trusted relationship? Is it your partner? Is it your best friend who can show up for you? If you have this assignment and baby says this, what are we going to do about it? How are you going to shift your energy before your next transfer? So it's not just the healing, it's like this is what we call embodiment. And after the integration, you had your session, we talked about it. Okay. So now what are we going to do about it? Your vibration, you've leaped. Now we just match your life, your circumstances, to what they're saying. So we choose the trusted people, we create an emotionally safe circle for you and we ban everyone else while you're trying to have a baby. We don't give a fuck about anyone else that's going to be threatening or potentially close that chakra. We don't give a fuck. Nobody is worth your baby. Yes, great talk.

Speaker 2:

And so women have endured a lot and sometimes they need to be given permission to give a person a timeout or set a boundary or not pick up the phone call. I'm sure that we can talk to them later. They will be fine, they'll figure it out 100%. They live before you. They will live after you. I'm sure that they have another friend, that they can throw them a baby shower or something. I promise you the true people will march for you after this.

Speaker 2:

And then that's when we start to ask okay, she started with a glass of water. We had to get really specific and start really small. It was really hard for her to ask her husband to get her a glass of water, and that's okay. We started small, that's okay. And I'm like okay, so now I want you to think of every time you do a Reiki meditation, you're receiving Reiki energy to receive baby and I want you to invite them into your dreams, like it's an invitation. You want this, you're inviting them. She's like oh, I love that, it was like a light switch. Yes, so that is a behavior that women become hyper independent because we've been let down by a lot of people or the partners we may have chosen have not been reliable, right, yes?

Speaker 1:

No, that was good, that was so good. And this is cool because you can do it in person or virtually, and I know you said that you conceived right after the first session.

Speaker 2:

Is that?

Speaker 1:

the case for most women? Or what would you say Like, okay, no, no, it's an ongoing process. Is there like an average number of sessions to expect, or is it completely dependent on what they're said?

Speaker 2:

I worked with a woman for two years and she had two failed IVFs and then the third it took. She had a lot of trauma from ancestors and a lot of trauma she was carrying for other people. It was very hard to unload and also I work with a lot of queer couples or women who do this alone. So there's a lot of elements that may not be normal, like one couple had to do sperm exposure because their bodies had never encountered sperm. This other couple they had to buy new sperm after so many failed IUIs. There's just so many variables. Sometimes we have to do work with a partner or I tell her what to have a conversation. Sometimes they're like okay, it's time to date your partner again.

Speaker 2:

It's time for you to go date your partner. This is some of the topics I want you to weave into the conversation, because I don't treat men. It's not my forte. But I'm like why don't you be the leader? You've done so much good work? And sometimes the baby's telling me dad has a really bad relationship with his mom. So for men, their number one relationship is to heal with their mom, especially if they've been critical. They may be outwardly masculine but they may not be in touch with their emotions.

Speaker 1:

That makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So with men, we need to get them to connect and make sure either connect with their mom so they can have resolution. What I find is nine out of 10, they don't want to do that. That's okay. So the conversation is more like what if we move to a place, that where you weren't triggered by your mom when she calls, or we set a boundary and agreement between you and me and that made you feel safe, that you didn't have to interact with her? Or maybe, if we do have to interact with her, we come up with a plan we say for 30 minutes and we bail. Or maybe they don't have to necessarily set the boundary and have a conversation with them. Maybe it's them having conversation with their partner and then they are moved to a place where it's indifferent, so they're emotionally regulated and they're not as triggered because men have wounds to keep it open.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes little tweaks, little mindset tweaks, is enough to heal For women. The reason why I thought about this because I've gotten this question quite a bit was I had done a lot of work ahead of that. I was in therapy, a lot of intensive therapy, and I'm an intense person. I'm very polarizing, I'm kind of balls to the walls. Before I had Ollie, I was a hurricane on wheels, as they said. I'm a lot calmer now.

Speaker 1:

Your red lipstick doesn't give it away at all, or anything.

Speaker 2:

So my therapy was really just like how I am as a person. I'm like how can we get this done? How strategically are we going to get to this root cause? I want to do the work. I want to get through this. I don't want to be like my mom, who every person has died. She just falls apart. That was not why it was another goal of me in therapy. It was like I want to be able to speak and not fall apart.

Speaker 2:

So for me is I contribute a lot of the emotional parts and the readiness to heal. And when I arrived to that Ricky session, I was ready just to leave it. I was ready to let her take it all away. I was very ready to purge and I think when, so if a person is ready to let it go, I think that you have to be like. You feel that you don't think that when you're ready to let it go, it's very evident and it is very fine. I can make your womb ready. But it's also your emotional state. Are you ready to release and step into that new reality of you becoming the person that feels safe, excited, ready for transfer or insemination or the next round of Clomid, or maybe natural, whatever it may be, I don't meet a whole lot of people who want to do it natural. Usually, by the time they get to me and we're past the I'm trying for six months part, we're usually using some type of fertility aid.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so obviously it helps for the conceiving process. How does it help with the pregnancy process and is it recommended to continue after, like during postpartum?

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's actually really great. So for pregnancy, the membership serves you through your entire thing and I love that so much because once you get pregnant, if you've struggled with infertility, the anxiety doesn't go away, it just heightens, it gets worse and you're more prone to postpartum and more prone to complications with your birth because you spent all this time desperate desperate to get pregnant and dreading your period or dreading a negative pregnancy test. So then there needs to be some healing to accept the reality of being pregnant, because it's so surreal. There's kind of like a disassociation of like, oh, I have a belly and oh, I felt that kick, is that real? And there's this terror of them losing the baby. So then there has to be a detachment and healing of the old reality and acceptance of the pregnancy. That's a whole thing.

Speaker 2:

And then that there's pregnancy pain that we use, or nausea. We do meditations to connect with baby, we give Reiki to baby. We give Reiki to help with any round ligament pain, to soften any back pain. At this point they've probably learned Reiki from me and that way they're also doing like dry bathing where they're cutting their cords if they're feeling anxiety, or they're giving Reiki to their baby before they fall asleep anxiety, or they're giving Reiki to their baby before they fall asleep. So that can help with pain management, anxiety management, stress management. Also owning because your field's so big when you're pregnant it's easy for people to even absorb things more, so like energetic bubble protection with Reiki, that helps a lot.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, awesome, and you explained a little bit about your membership. I was going to ask you anyways, give us the deets on that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my membership Okay yeah.

Speaker 1:

Give us the deets where people can find it and also where people can find you on social media.

Speaker 2:

Sure you can find me on all socials the Carolina Sotomayor. My website is carolinasotomayorcom, and the make a Baby membership is literally that. Our goal is to help you make a baby and help you do all the energetic and spiritual work with Reiki to get you there. We have actually some exciting new things that we just birthed. In the past week we used to have what's called an office hours call where you can come and ask your questions and if you couldn't come, you can submit them ahead of time.

Speaker 2:

Well, we ditched that and we are implementing a private podcast just for the membership. It's kind of like a Dear Libby or Ask Allie kind of thing. It's called the Womb Hotline. So it's a private podcast just for members. You ask all your questions and then you'll get an episode to answer your question. So I'm super excited about that. And we have live healing calls every single month and they're on specific topics and it's only $49 a month and you have a vault of meditations and Reiki healing so you can have access to and you can heal at any point in time and you get a 10 minute onboarding call with me.

Speaker 2:

And we just launched our telegram community so it's exclusive to members. So we're in there chatting away, telegramming away and it's really it's quite a whole vibe. It's set my soul on fire. I love this membership so much. It's two years old and it is morphed and grown, so it is my favorite place to hang out and I love all the women inside of it, because there's women that are working on their second babies in there. I have one person that's pregnant with her third Reiki baby, so it's a really fun place to meet people and also get support, because some women are doing this alone, or some people are. They don't want to tell their family, they don't want to be asked a million questions Like this is a safe space.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah it definitely is. Yeah, so it's my favorite thing I've ever created. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, so it's my favorite thing I've ever created Amazing.

Speaker 1:

Is it just for women looking to conceive or is it for women wanting to heal in general?

Speaker 2:

It's definitely fertility focused. I have a couple members that are either wanting to have a baby soon or on the fence about it, and they want just to work on their womb. In general, we have modules for something called the Spiritual Pregnancy Reset, which is a series I did. It's an eight-part series on how to walk you from detachment of your fertility trauma to acceptance of your pregnancy, and then there's just certain things that happen to you in pregnancy that we wanted to use to leverage for your advantage.

Speaker 2:

I'm so strategic in my mindedness. You're going to have dreams anyway, so very much like a Reiki attunement. I call them activations, where we're going to activate your subconscious to your womb and heighten that with an activation with Reiki where you can set intentions for your vivid sleep, dreaming to connect with baby further. There is one where we have where you are activating your future self to bring that forth faster so you can be that person now to prepare for baby.

Speaker 2:

Because you're going to be a future self having baby. What does that person look like? So that's another activation, and we do that during your pregnancy. And then also we have birth prep. And then we have the restorative postpartum blueprint, where it's a series. We're actually doing it live. So we're doing a weekly call for all our postpartum moms. Right now we're restoring chakras, restoring of your womb, restoring of your mindset. It's just a restorative plan of these certain things. And then you have these different meditations that are really short, because in postpartum sometimes you're just surviving. We have this new surge of postpartum mamas that we're working through. So that's my whole space, and we're doing the Make a Baby Podcast. We're going to be having that coming back in a couple of weeks, so check that out too.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. Well, this membership obviously is the go-to place if you're currently pregnant or trying to conceive, but it sounds really great to be proactive as well If you're thinking of conceiving, or maybe on the fence, or you might do it in the future. So I'll have all of that stuff linked in the show notes for everyone. I only have a few questions left. I don't believe that anything is a one size fits all when it comes to your health and wellness.

Speaker 1:

So do you have any other holistic practices or remedies that you recommend for women who are trying to conceive or just improve their health in general?

Speaker 2:

I believe that you'll find the modality that works for you. I don't think that everyone loves Reiki. I love chiropractic care a lot. I believe in acupuncture very, very much. I also believe in trauma massage. I don't think that that's spoken about a lot. I only know two people here in Omaha that do it, so that for me, I also love a good shaman. I know some, but I believe that from my research and what my shaman has told me, that what they do is time travel through journeying. So they journey and then ING.

Speaker 2:

I think it's a hard word to say and there's just so much. There's so many modalities that I've tried. I've had really great success with hypnosis too. I've done past life regressions with hypnosis and had some pretty wild revelations from that. So those are other things that I have done and breath work. I'm not very good at yoga. My best friend is a yogi and it is a goal. I got a yoga mat recently but I do love all of those things. I think food could also be a healing source. Just honor your body. But those are all things I have tried and loved.

Speaker 1:

I personally live and die by breathwork and meditation and I consider myself to be a little more open-minded when it comes to spirituality practices and energetic healing. A lot of people that I talk with have skepticism at first, especially if they've never tried it or never really gotten into healing. But I think Reiki is like a step right above meditation and breathwork, because those are both very powerful and somebody who's a very much beginner can learn and get into and a lot of people say he is the gateway yeah, it's so powerful stepping stone.

Speaker 1:

It's like the opening of the door, the creaking of the door and then yeah, something else like because it's a full body, like spirit, soul, experience, so that would make a lot of sense to call that the gateway door.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people who call themselves intuitive healers that might be just using a lot of different things or maybe their own modality, get started with Reiki. It's kind of like the gateway drug. So cool, I love it.

Speaker 1:

Well, this conversation has been so amazing and I know it's going to be helpful for so many women. I have two final questions that I ask everybody that comes on the Bold and Badass podcast. So this show is for women on a growth journey and it's all about stepping into taking the actions and embodying the most bold and badass version of yourself. So my first question is what is something bold you've done in 2024?

Speaker 2:

Chose me. Oh how Elaborate. I have implemented a lot of things in my business just because other people have told me to, and I also am 40 and turning 41 in May, and I just don't give a fuck anymore. I'm choosing me all the time because whatever I choose, it's always right. And it's not right meaning correct. It's right for me because if it goes wrong, I'm accountable and I have the ability. If I'm a hundred percent accountable for every choice I make, I also have the a hundred percent responsibility and ability to pivot. Somebody told me that if you are a hundred percent accountable for everything that happens to you, you can change it, and I think that goes with a grain of salt. You know some people do that, but I'm 100% responsible to how I show up, how I live, and I can change it at any moment.

Speaker 1:

Yes, amazing, huge mindset shift that helped me at the beginning of my journey as well.

Speaker 2:

So, love it.

Speaker 1:

The last question is it's a little bit of future pacing, so I want you to imagine you're on your deathbed and you're reflecting back over your life. What was the most badass thing that you did in this lifetime? I want you to think about your legacy that you're leaving. It could be something you've already done or something that you're still dreaming of or in the process of creating.

Speaker 2:

Two things Okay. It's that I broke the abuse patterns.

Speaker 2:

I broke all the abuse patterns and my son knows he's loved and he shows signs of a well-loved kid because of how he behaves with others. I observed that in kindergarten with him he's now in first grade and I watched him and I was like I made it, like I could really fuck up a lot of other things hopefully I don't right like I was seeing how he was treating people and I was seeing how kind he was before he was even in preschool. But it really cemented like I made it home, like if this is just as good as it gets, I fucking made it because the kid is a fucking good human and he wouldn't have been if I didn't break all of the things that were horribly done to me.

Speaker 2:

And two, I'm living my life purpose If I could have helped one woman heal so she didn't have to endure the years of mental torment that I spent unhealed and she knows that she can be lighter if I could have helped one woman. I've already done that, yeah, and I want to laugh more. That's the only thing I want people to remember me laughing.

Speaker 2:

That's my third thing, so yeah my legacies is my son and him being okay, cause I also have a kick-ass marriage. My son is the way he is because of how we are at home yeah, and that's a result of our marriage. And the second is my healing practice in serving the world with four women.

Speaker 1:

That's so amazing. My heart is beating so fast. I almost teared up when you said that, because if this isn't the permission slip or the motivation that everyone needs to hear to do the freaking work, stop putting it off, because it really matters and it impacts everyone that you love, then I don't know what it is. But thank you so much, carolina. I really, really appreciate this message today, and just for you, it's been an honor.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me. It's been an honor. Of course, thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that. If you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you? These types of messages empower me to keep showing up and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.