How to reframe unpleasant emotions/symptoms in a way that is incredibly healing & empowering

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 39

What if the very symptoms of illness that we dread could be reinterpreted as signs of our body's strength and healing? On this episode of the Bold and Badass Podcast, I share how I turned my perspective on sickness upside down, embracing a holistic approach to recovery. 

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Speaker 1:

Hey, bestie, welcome, or welcome back to the Bold and Badass Podcast. I'm your host, lacey, and I'm fired up that you're here, because I am so tired of women feeling inadequate for not being further along in life and like they're crazy or ungrateful, even for wanting more. On this show, I'm going to help you cut through the noise, turn your setbacks into your success story and become the most bold and badass version of you. I'm talking about calling in the most exciting opportunities, experiences and people into your life and claiming the abundance that is your birthright. So if you're ready to make some serious magic happen, grab your coffee and water and let's fucking go. Good morning, beautiful. Welcome back to another week of the Bold and Badass Podcast.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it's morning time when you're listening to this. It is morning. While I'm recording this though, 8.44 AM to be exact, I had a shift this morning at 4.30 AM. If you didn't know, for my most recent episodes, I announced I started a part-time job at Lifetime Fitness and I'm loving it so far. I started a part-time opening shift there because me and my husband, isaiah, are home during the week and we wanted to make a little extra money and also have the benefit of a lifetime gym membership. Those things run for like $300 a pop, so thought it was a little win-win there. Make a little extra money, get that free gym membership and all is well. I might sound a little nasally today. That is because I am recovering from being sick, but I'm going to do my best to not cough it up and not sound too nasally or I don't even know if I can control that but I'm going to do my best and I have a really awesome message for us today.

Speaker 1:

So Jalen, my four-year-old, got sick with strep throat about a month ago, and you can almost always guarantee when Jalen gets sick, I am soon to follow. Now. He was sick for like 10 or 12 days and I made it through. I really thought this time was going to be different. I was like I, I'm going to make it, I'm not going to get sick this time. And then on the very last day that he was sick, I went down. So I got sick and then we were both good for probably a week and then I don't know what happened. I don't know what's in the air, but we both went down again. So I'm recovering right now, but I'm drinking lots of water. You might hear me sipping on it a little bit in the background.

Speaker 1:

What today's message is about is a reframe of sorts. I'm always talking about the power of your thoughts, the power of the words you speak and the power of your perception. Right the way that you choose to look at the world and view things in your life. All of that impacts your experience and you have a lot more control over it than you might think. So let me just tell you, when I get sick, I'm pretty anti-medication. Okay, I don't want you to think I'm to the point where I'm delusional about it or I won't take myself to the doctor or take certain medications when necessary. However, seasonal allergies and the occasional sickness I pretty much won't take medicine.

Speaker 1:

I allow my body to naturally heal and I try to use ingredients from the earth that support health and vitality. And let me just tell you, this drives Isaiah nuts. Isaiah, my husband. He is all about what pill can I take? What's going to help this pass as quickly as possible? What's going to keep me up and moving? And that's his prerogative.

Speaker 1:

I tend to take a more holistic approach, especially ever since my college nutrition professor explained to us all of the junk and the crap and the fillers that they put into most medication. They're not actually solving the problem that you have. If anything, they're just slapping a bandaid over it or they're numbing out one problem and causing a slew of others. So for that reason I typically like to let my body just kind of process everything the natural way, run its course and heal holistically. Now, with that route does come some unpleasant feelings. There's a lot of coughing, there's some headaches, there's some inflammation and really just a lot of purging, a lot of purging of toxins and bacteria. That is the body's natural process when you get sick, when toxins or foreign particles or bacteria find their way inside of your body, those bodily responses that feel negative for us, they feel like this is a bad thing those are actually our body doing its job and purging those toxins. So it's just a little bit of a reframe for you.

Speaker 1:

I know when I get sick there's going to be a few days of unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings going on. And does it suck? Abso-freaking-lutely, I won't sugarcoat that. It definitely sucks. I actually had to work two weddings this weekend while I was really going through it, with a migraine and inflammation, a little bit of ab, pain and pressure from all the coughing, congestion, all the things had to power through and it really sucked. But at the same time, the whole time through, even though Isaiah was trying to convince me to take some medicine, I felt positive and a sense of reassurance because I knew that that was just my body doing its job. Those feelings were actually my body, taking care of me and getting me back to health. So the next time you start having those uneasy feelings, I want you to think of it that way. Can you slap a Band-Aid over it, take a pill, ease the pain a little bit? Definitely. But if you reframe it in your mind and understand that those responses and those feelings are actually a good thing and they're actually your body, supporting you and loving you and caring for you and bringing you back to health, it almost makes it a little less painful or miserable. It makes it a lot more bearable, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

And I wanted to bring this reframe up because I think there's a parallel here. When it comes to our emotions, a lot of times we think of anxiety and sadness and disappointment and anger and a lot of these uncomfortable feelings and emotions. We think of them as negative. We think of them as negative. We think of them as bad and we want them to go away. We think something's wrong with us if we're feeling these feelings. But this is where the power comes. Power comes from the reframe.

Speaker 1:

The same way your body responds when you're sick to take care of you and bring you back to health and homeostasis that's exactly what your emotions are doing as well. So when you're sick, to take care of you and bring you back to health and homeostasis, that's exactly what your emotions are doing as well. So when you're feeling out of alignment or something happened maybe you had an interaction or an exchange of words and it didn't sit well with you, it caused you a little bit of emotional discomfort. Those feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, disappointment, those are supporting you. Those emotions are here to let you know that something about that interaction or that conversation is not in alignment with who you are, with your identity, with your truth and with your character. And the fact that you're feeling those emotions, that is your body's way of supporting you, showing you love, taking care of you and wanting what's best for you. So when you think of it that way and you reframe it and see it as, how are these emotions actually supporting me. What wisdom are they trying to bring me? It really makes it more empowering and it also makes it easier to move through those emotions.

Speaker 1:

See, what happens is the same way as a pill is like a bandaid over your problem when you're sick. It's not actually solving it, it's just numbing it out or making it less apparent. The same thing happens when we push away our feelings and numb out and don't allow ourselves to really feel them fully through. We push down our anger and our frustration by making an assumption about the person or the interaction that we just had. We label them, we assign them an identity or a character so that we never have to actually confront them and resolve the issue, because that's uncomfortable, right. We numb out from the anger and the frustration with substances so that we don't have to think about it. We don't have to do the work of confronting that person or looking ourselves in the mirror and thinking about which part we played in that interaction. Those types of behaviors are just a way of slapping on the band-aid. Same thing when we feel anxiety, we take the anxiety medication. We have our substances whether it be weed or vaping, alcohol or any other thing that you use to help regulate your nervous system. That isn't you actually solving the core issue, which is why you were triggered in the first place. Those are all band-aid solutions, and band-aid solutions don't fix the actual problem. They just numb it out for a little bit, they just quiet it down for a little bit and then, when another situation comes up that's similar and triggers you again, you feel the pain all over again, just as strong, if not stronger, because you're just adding more fuel to the fire. You never actually healed the wound.

Speaker 1:

So the message I really want to give you today is first, can you think of anything in your life where you don't feel fully healthy, wealthy and thriving? And, if so, what type of solutions have you been offering to yourself? Have you been allowing yourself to holistically process and heal through those things? Or are you slapping a bandaid of some sort onto the issue, and maybe that's why it keeps resurfacing? And then, second, how can you reframe this issue or this undesirable circumstance into something positive, into something that supports you, so that you can process and move through it, as opposed to just pushing it down and not actually solving the issue? Because, remember, when you push down or you slap a bandaid over it, the problem is still there and it will resurface, but when you allow yourself to actually feel and process, that is where the true healing happens. There's a quote that I heard one time that helps remind me of this powerful reframe, and it's that you have to feel to heal, you have to feel to heal, and that goes for physically and emotionally. So next time you're in one of those low vibe circumstances whether you're sick or whether you're feeling emotionally unpleasant I want you to think about those two things.

Speaker 1:

Now, this was a very short and sweet episode, but I was inspired this morning because I am recovering. I haven't taken any medicine this entire time. I'm very proud of myself for that, and I'm really grateful for my body for purging all of the toxins and healing itself, and just for being so strong and loving to do that for me, to get me back to feeling my best, and I thought I needed to share this with you too. So, if you did enjoy this message, I'd love it if you wrote me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey. Share with me any breakthroughs or insights that you gained, tell me what you're growing through, what you're working on, what you're excited about, and let's connect.

Speaker 1:

I also would really appreciate it if you took less than 30 seconds to give this podcast a five-star review, as it helps so much with viewership, searchability and, of course, growth, which is obviously something we want to do, but it helps to reach more people and impact more lives.

Speaker 1:

So if you feel up to supporting the show in that capacity, I am immensely grateful and I hope you have an amazing day, an amazing week, and I will see you back here next Wednesday. An amazing week and I will see you back here next Wednesday. Thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that. If you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you? These types of messages empower me to keep showing up and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.