[PT. 2] The Art of Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Manifest Your Dream Life

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 37

Received a few questions after last week's episode. (Love it when you message me after an episode to ask questions and share your stories/takeaways!!) So, I wanted to just make a quick pt. 2 answering those questions... Because chances are if you were wondering.. someone else probably is too! 

Side note -- Just want you to know I am so grateful you're tuning in, providing feedback, asking questions, and just really applying the tools in your life, because they changed mine for the BEST. And I know they will change yours, too. Keep going.

Love you so much!!! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions to the follow-up questions or ANY other questions or topics you want me to cover on the podcast! :)  

Share a personal story or submit a question you'd like answered in a future episode!

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Speaker 1:

Hey, bestie, welcome, or welcome back to the Bold and Badass Podcast. I'm your host, lacey, and I'm fired up that you're here, because I am so tired of women feeling inadequate for not being further along in life and like they're crazy or ungrateful, even for wanting more. On this show, I'm going to help you cut through the noise, turn your setbacks into your success story and become the most bold and badass version of you. I'm talking about calling in the most exciting opportunities, experiences and people into your life and claiming the abundance that is your birthright. So if you're ready to make some serious magic happen, grab your coffee and water and let's fucking go. Hello, beautiful, welcome back to another week of the Bold and Badass podcast. I'm so grateful that you're here with me today.

Speaker 1:

You might have noticed that I did not release an episode this morning at 7am, as I have been doing for the last 36 plus weeks Every single Wednesday at 7am. Central Standard Time is when my episodes come out, but today that was not the case. Why? Because life, life is happening. So I have a few episodes edited and ready to go, but they just weren't the episodes I wanted to release this week. I still have some planning and clips I want to make from those episodes and things like that. So it just didn't fit into the idea or the vision that I had for it. And also I had quite a few questions a follow-up from last week's episode about manifesting from your feminine and your masculine energy. So I thought this would be a great opportunity to practice what I preach when life happens, to show up and do the bare minimum. What can I give today? And for me it's going to be a short episode, but I just want to address some of the questions that you guys had from last week's episode. So if you haven't listened to last week's episode yet, you might want to pause this, go back and listen to that first. It's really good. I give lots of examples of things that I've been manifesting lately, some from my masculine energy and some from my feminine energy, and I've given you my breakdown, my five-step manifestation process and kind of the breakdown of how it all works and how to manifest Scientifically. It's all science-based. So today's episode is going to be short and sweet. There's no editing involved. I might stumble over my words, I don't know. Today's episode is going to be short and sweet. There's no editing involved. I might stumble over my words? I don't know, but you're going to see just kind of the real raw version of me pouring into you and talking in this here mic, by myself alone, in my office, in my office.

Speaker 1:

So at 5.10 pm on a Wednesday, here we go. So the first question that I got was who do you ask for whatever you're wanting to manifest? So the first step in that manifestation process was ask. Right, you got to ask for what you want and someone said who do you ask exactly? Are you asking yourself? Are you asking the person involved in whatever it is that you're trying to manifest? Are you asking God, like? Who are you asking exactly? So that's a great question, all of the above. So you want to. Really, it's just about speaking it out into existence, so getting clear on it and speaking it out loud so you know exactly what it is that you're wanting to manifest.

Speaker 1:

And then, if somebody else is involved in the process like, for instance, if we're going off some of the examples that I used last week me looking for a new place to live in, right, the landlord is somebody that I need to loop in. Right, the landlord is somebody that I need to loop in. Maybe the rental property management company is somebody I need to look into and ask Anybody who would be involved in the process. That is who you want to ask. But mainly, what I meant from last week is ask the universe, ask God. Just put it out into the universe. Whatever it is that you want to manifest, whether it be a partner or more money, losing weight or, you know, gaining muscle, whatever that goal is, you want to be uber specific about it and ask for it. You shall not receive what you do not ask for. So that was the first question.

Speaker 1:

Another question I got was how do you make yourself believe if you don't like actually believe, you don't truly believe. You want to believe that something is possible for you. Right, this is step number two. Ask them, believe that it's possible for you, believe that you're worthy of whatever it is that you're asking for, whatever you want to manifest, how do you believe something, or how do you make yourself believe something that you don't currently believe? And there's two ways to do this. So you're going to reprogram your brain. This is like my favorite subject of all time. This is why I'm in school for neuroscience. This is how I got started on my personal development journey. I learned how to rewire my brain so I could start feeling, thinking and acting like the woman that I wanted to become, and then, eventually, I just was her. That's just who I am now. But you're going to reprogram your brain and there's two ways to do this. The first is through affirmation.

Speaker 1:

So affirmation is going to feel silly at first because for a lot of people, well, there's two ways. There's a right way and a wrong way to do affirmation. Okay, a lot of people will do it like I am rich, I am this, I am that I have a million dollars, I live in my dream house, and it's like all these things that you're literally nowhere close to Like not to be a Debbie Downer, not to make this feel impossible, but you're at step one and you're affirming step like 339, right, like all these steps in between you getting to that million dollar status or that dream house, whatever it is that you're trying to manifest. Right, you want to make small, bite-sized, believable steps.

Speaker 1:

So when you do your affirmation, some of my affirmations look like I make healthy decisions that support my mind and my body. I have a goal. The goal is to lose weight, but my affirmation isn't I am this many pounds, when I'm like 75 pounds away from that and I'm not, you know, practicing daily habits that are going to support me getting to that goal weight it's. It's just training your brain through affirmations that are a step ahead of where you're at currently, but they're also believable and they're like, if you actually put in the effort, then that could be true, right? So if you have a money goal maybe it's you know you're saving money a certain amount per week, or you're budgeting a certain amount per week, or you're investing a certain amount per week. Whatever it is that you're doing, you're just affirming that this is the person that I am, these are my characteristics, these are the beliefs that I need to have in order to achieve or attract to this goal, and you just affirm those things on a daily basis.

Speaker 1:

And the way that this helps you reprogram your brain is because we have I got to look up the exact number so I don't give you a false statistic but we have something like 60,000, or maybe it's like 90,000 thoughts a day. I want to say it's like 60,000 thoughts a day and statistically, over 80 or 90% of them are negative. And this is because we are born this way. Unfortunately, we are naturally worriers, we are naturally on the prowl for danger and things to be anxious about, and we're programmed this way to survive. We're programmed this way to make it another day to be able to survive through all climates, from predators, from the weather, from literally everything. This is just the way that our brains were originally programmed.

Speaker 1:

So we have to train our brains to think positive through affirmation, and so the more you repeat a positive narrative or an empowering narrative that affirms the identity you want to have or the lifestyle you want to have, it starts to change the way your brain works, the way your neural pathways and your neurons connect with one another. It literally changes your identity and your blueprint inside of your body, your chemical makeup. So words of affirmation are super powerful, but this is not something that happens overnight. Okay, you may be 20 years old, 25, 30, 35, 40,. You may be 50 or 60 years old, and until you have become aware of this, for the last two, three, four, five decades, you've been living in a negative thought pattern, a negative feedback loop. So you cannot expect to change this and to rewire this in one night or even one week. Okay, this is something that does take time and repetition. The more you do it, the faster you can, you know, fast track this process. The more intention you put into it, the more energy you put into it you can fast track this process, but this is something that is going to take a little more time Now.

Speaker 1:

The second way to reprogram your brain is to just literally start taking the actions that someone who does believe that they're worthy and capable of, whatever it is you're trying to manifest. Start taking actions as if you're someone who already believes that and that tricks your subconscious into believing. So, like I use the example with us getting into the house that we're currently in If I didn't believe that we could get into this house, I wouldn't have been calling all the people going on all the visits like the in-person visits to each of these houses, I wouldn't have been doing all the work, so subconsciously, I was tricking my brain into believing hey, I actually am worthy of this, this actually is possible for me. And same with, no matter what your goal is whether it's looking for a partner, getting a raise, a promotion, whatever, like if you take the actions of somebody that already has that outcome you're looking for, eventually, inevitably, you're going to attract or create that outcome for yourself, because the only thing that's stopping you from taking the actions now is believing in yourself. So if you just kind of reverse the order here and just take the actions. So if you just kind of reverse the order here and just take the actions, then the belief will follow. So that's another way to like make yourself believe. If you don't truly believe at this moment Because I will say this and in 100% transparency in the beginning of my personal development journey, I started reading.

Speaker 1:

Rewriting my brain to love reading was the first big, groundbreaking thing that I did and that is what really changed the game for me, because I grew up somebody who hated reading. I thought I sucked at it. I couldn't focus, I was absent-minded. I would have to read pages out loud to myself, sometimes three or four or even more than that more times before I could retain the information, and so I developed this belief that I sucked at reading and I developed this negative experience with reading, so I hated it. I never wanted to read. But all the people that I looked up to and business and life and health all of them were avid readers and a lot of them attributed a lot of their success to the books they've read and the knowledge they've gained through their mentors and the books they've read. So I really, like I secretly wanted to love reading but I just didn't. And it was because of this underlying narrative and this belief system that I had around reading.

Speaker 1:

And so when I learned about the feedback loop and I learned about rewiring your brain, I rewired my brain to love reading, and now I read every single day. I absolutely love it. Books have changed my life. I say that almost every time I talk about books. I love like I literally love reading so much and this was something that I hated, I despised. So this is something that you can do. And then I don't even know where I was going with this. Oh, my God, look, I'm not going to edit this out y'all. My point is take the actions that somebody who does believe would take, and that's how you basically get yourself into believing that. Oh, that's where I was going with this.

Speaker 1:

So I used to not believe this about myself, and so when I learned that in manifesting, all you have to do is is ask, believe and then receive, I was like, well, I want to believe and I'm reading all these books about people who have manifested amazing things and and how they have just like manifested the unbelievable honestly, and I'm like I believe in the power of it. I believe that it's possible for others, but I just couldn't wrap my head around it being possible for me. I couldn't believe like truly in my gut, in my heart of hearts. I didn't believe it was possible for me, even though I saw it happen for other people and I saw amazing things transpire and amazing things come to life that were honestly, extraordinary and unbelievable and in unbelievable amounts of time, like a short period people just transforming their lives and their business and their health. It's astounding, it's really amazing, and so that was always.

Speaker 1:

My biggest question is like, okay, but how do I make myself believe if I don't actually believe? I really want to believe, I believe it's possible for others, but how do I believe it's possible for me? And so those are the two things that I have found, because no one's ever given me an answer. By the way, I've never actually gotten an answer that has supported me into actually changing my belief. I figured this out over four years of doing this work and these are the two things that, in reflection, I have realized have actually made me believe have actually made the difference.

Speaker 1:

For me it's affirmation. It's rewiring my brain and the way that I naturally am and I naturally think through words of affirmation, intentional words of affirmation. And then it's also the reverse engineering of my actions. So like, literally just pretend you know that, saying fake it till you make it. Well, it's not, in a sense of like, go out and do anything illegal or anything that you're not qualified to do. Like don't pretend to be something that you're not, but take actions of somebody who believes that they're worthy and it's possible for them, and you're going to find yourself, like, feeling more confident and attracting those outcomes because you're putting yourself in position and you're aligning your energy with the frequency of that which you're asking for. So that's how you attract it. So that was the second question. I hope that was a thorough answer for the person that asked this question.

Speaker 1:

The third question that I got is and I see this all the time and actually I struggled with this in the beginning as well it's what if you know your desire but you're unclear on the specifics? So, like I want to make more money, but I don't know how much. Like I know I want to make more than what I'm making now. I'm living paycheck to paycheck. I'm barely getting by, or I barely have enough for maybe like one fun activity, you know per pay period, something like that. But I really want to be financially independent. I really want to be financially abundant, free. I want to invest in my future. I want to go on, you know, a luxurious vacation, or I want to buy a house, or I want to whatever your financial goals are right, or I want to set my family up for the future. But you're like, I don't know the exact number that that is. I just know that it's not where I'm currently at.

Speaker 1:

So the way you get clear because if you just ask for more money, if you just ask to lose weight, if you just ask for vague things, you're going to get vague outcomes you might lose one pound, you might make five more dollars, you might find a dollar on the street. Okay, your wish came true. You know your manifestation is fulfilled, but that's not what you were asking for. So you need to be specific when you ask. So how you find out is you reverse engineer? But the most important thing, first step in kind of like getting clear on that is what is the why behind it, like why do you want to lose the weight, why do you want to make more money? Why do you want to find this partner? So, just to give some examples and see if any of these resonate with you or maybe they help you know, spring off another idea or help you get clear in another way If you're wanting to lose weight, is it?

Speaker 1:

Well, let's dig deeper. Is it because I want to feel more confident? I want to be more social at work or in social settings? I want to attract a partner? I want to be able to do things with my kid. I want to play with my kid and have the energy. It's not even that I don't want to. I just literally don't have the energy. I'm exhausted, is it? I want to have more energy so I can be more productive with my work and therefore be more valuable to the company and earn a raise. It could be anything. And then, like the money thing I want to make more money so I can buy a house. I want to make more money so I can be come debt free. I want to make more money so I can set up my children and my future and my family or this or that right? Or I want to set up this lifestyle that I desire, okay.

Speaker 1:

So Now you dig to the bottom of why exactly do you want this thing, this vague thing, and you make it super clear and then you reverse engineer to figure out the specific numbers or the specific circumstances. So I'll give you an example of how me and Isaiah set up our current lifestyle. In the beginning, we were like we want to make more money, we want to have more time, freedom, more autonomy, we want to travel right, we want to be able to be home most of the week. So how can we do that? Well, first we needed to figure out what is the number that we want to make or that we need to make to have this lifestyle. So we go through. What you're going to do is you're going to go through?

Speaker 1:

If money is one of the things you're manifesting, write down every expense. You can do, actually, two versions of this. You can write down everything that you currently spend what is your rent, what are your utilities, what are your monthly? Whatever your bills are, what do you typically spend a month on fast food or restaurants, date nights, friend days, whatever it is that you do in a month? Maybe backtrack three months, if you don't, if you're not sure, if it's a little inconsistent from month to month, and get your average number of what are you? What are you spending currently? And then we're going to do this again.

Speaker 1:

With what lifestyle are you wanting? What do you want to you know? What do you want your rent to be? What do you want your whatever to be? Or, if you don't know the number of the rent, like what house do you want your rent to be? What do you want your whatever to be? Or, if you don't know the number of the rent, like what house do you want to live in? Okay, what's the rent for that? What car do you want? Okay, what's the monthly payment for that? What would the entrance be for that? Like this, you just go down. This is going to take a little bit of time, but it's 100.

Speaker 1:

So then you're going to get clear on what it is the specific and you're just going to reverse engineer. So what's the first step to get to the first milestone here? What's the next step to get to the second milestone here? And that way you have like a clear path to get from point A to point B. But that, I hope that answers it. I feel like I'm talking in circles now. I hope that answers your question. But if you know your desire but you're unclear on the specifics, first step to that is what's the why behind it? Why do you want this thing and then just reverse, engineer, go through, track the data, whatever it is that plays into that, like write the data out so you can see what exactly it is it's going to cost you, whether it be financial cost, whether it be physical cost, energetic cost, whatever the cost. Figure out what that's going to cost you and then figure out how you can make incremental steps or like milestones to the big goal. Right? I really hope that answered the question. So let me know if you have a follow up question to that, if that wasn't clear enough. But yeah, those were the three questions I had. A couple of them were asked multiple, but those were the three questions that I got from last week's episode. This is actually already a little longer than I thought it was going to be, so I hope you enjoy it. If you have any follow up questions from this, please let me know.

Speaker 1:

I love talking about this manifesting all things personal development, rewiring the brain, specifically anything neuroscience. I especially love talking about this because I'm not one of those people who, like believes in is like the faith without the facts. I don't know if I'm saying that right. I believe in the science behind it. When I know why this is why this makes sense, this makes it feel so much more real and so much more possible for me, when I learned that happiness is not something that I had to will myself into feeling, and I learned it's actually a science, being able to make myself feel good became easy and it became like within reach, I felt like I could really grasp it. It's within reach because it's actually just a simple science. It's a protocol that you can take, and so this is also why I love manifesting because it is a science. It's not some fictitious thing or this magic or whatever. You just have to believe. It's like not this woo thing, it's scientific, and almost everything I talk about on this podcast, I'm backing it up with scientific facts, scientific evidence. It's not just something I'm making up. It sounds good, it's like motivational, you know, but there's no like true base to it, you know. I hope that's making sense. So I really, really love discussing all of this.

Speaker 1:

If you have any questions or if you have any ideas for future episodes that you might want to hear about. I'm all ears. You can find me on Instagram at Baldi Lacey. I so appreciate you guys being here week in and week out. For me, this has truly been a journey and, like I said, I thought you know today we're at week 37 in and I, you know, missed posting at my regular time.

Speaker 1:

But I wanted to show up and do the bare minimum and practice what I preach, as I do in my daily life anyways, all the time. But I just want to show up and do the bare minimum and practice what I preach, as I do in my daily life anyways, all the time. But I just want to show you what, sometimes, what this looks like. Sometimes it's messy, sometimes it's not perfect, it's not tied with a bow, it doesn't look pretty and it's not perfect and it's not perfectly structured, and that's how life is too. That's how manifesting and that's how all of your goals are going to come to fruition as well. It's not going to be a straight line path, but that you have to be okay with that. You have to take that as data. See what's going right, what's going well, what's going not so well, how can you make adjustments to set yourself up better for the future?

Speaker 1:

But also just remember that consistency wins always and it's the small daily habits that you commit to every single day and you show up for every single day that make the biggest difference in your life. The compound effect is really, really real. So don't rely on just those little bouts of motivation and high inspiration and intensity and energy. Do the bare minimum that you can do every single day. Show up for yourself every single day, and you're just going to wake up one day and you're going to be like holy shit, what have I created? Who have I become Like? In a positive and empowering way? Look at this life I have created. I am so proud of myself. I I'm saying that to me. I'm so proud of myself and you're going to be proud of yourself, too, when you commit to this and just like the smallest daily habits that you can commit to every single day. So start there. I love you. Do the work.

Speaker 1:

If you love this episode or any other episode, return the love back. Go, rate me on Spotify. If you're listening on Spotify, give me a five-star rating. If you're on Apple, give me a five-star review. Pour back into me. I love pouring into you, but also it helps get the message out and make this podcast more searchable and findable so we can grow this baby, grow it together. I love you guys.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for allowing me to show up raw, authentically, a little bit off, a little bit late sometimes, but I'm showing up, I'm doing the work, we're going strong. I love you. I'll see you next Wednesday. Thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that. If you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you? These types of messages empower me to keep showing up and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.