[PT. 1] The Art of Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy to Manifest Your Dream Life

Lacy Wafer Season 2 Episode 36

Hey, beautiful souls! Lacey here, ready to whisk you away on a transformative ride where we tap into the riveting dance between masculine and feminine energies to manifest your heart's desires. Imagine conjuring up your dream reality, whether it's a luxurious home or your ultimate career goal; it's about striking that perfect cadence between the driven, assertive vibes of the masculine and the nurturing, receptive waves of the feminine. Join me as we navigate these powerful forces within us, revealing personal tales of triumph and the essential ingredients of gratitude and belief that magnetize our aspirations into existence.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, bestie, welcome, or welcome back to the Bold and Badass Podcast. I'm your host, lacey, and I'm fired up that you're here, because I am so tired of women feeling inadequate for not being further along in life and like they're crazy or ungrateful, even for wanting more. On this show, I'm going to help you cut through the noise, turn your setbacks into your success story and become the most bold and badass version of you. I'm talking about calling in the most exciting opportunities, experiences and people into your life and claiming the abundance that is your birthright. So if you're ready to make some serious magic happen, grab your coffee and water and let's fucking go. Hello, beautiful, welcome back to another week and another episode of the Bold and Badass Podcast. I'm so grateful to have you here.

Speaker 1:

I hope you've been loving the interview style episodes lately. Honestly, I'd love your feedback, because it's hard to get a good read on whether you guys like them or not, because some episodes have really high download counts and then others just kind of flop and it doesn't seem like there's any real pattern, at least not from what I can tell so far. Maybe I just haven't done enough to get a really big enough pool of data, but if you have any preference or any specific thoughts, I would genuinely love it if you reached out to me. I'm at boldlylacy on Instagram. Let me know your thoughts. Let me know what styles of episode you like better. Do you like the solo interview style storytelling? Do you like open flow conversation? Do you like me rambling or do you like having structured, step-by-steps? What do you like? Let me know. It really helps. It really helps me plan for future episodes and it helps me to do a better job when I have some sort of structure in place, whether it be a step-by-step type of structure or a loose structure where I can kind of flow within the boundaries of whatever it is that I'm going for. If you have any opinion or stance on that, I would appreciate it. If you let me know what you're thinking. But today's episode I'm really excited about. It's a really fun topic.

Speaker 1:

I've just been on a high vibe lately with all the things I've been manifesting and I was sitting thinking about it the other day and I was like wow, when I manifested this, I was heavy in my masculine energy, and when I manifested this, I was heavy in my feminine energy and it got me thinking that there's kind of a balance to it and, depending on what your goal is and the thing that you're desiring to manifest, it might require one or the other a little more than the other. And so in this episode, I want to talk about manifesting with your masculine energy versus your feminine energy. So first, like what even is masculine energy and what's feminine energy?

Speaker 1:

Most people, when they think of masculine versus feminine, they think of what's on the outside, how you look. If you think of it that way from the physical perspective, you might think baggy clothes. It that way from the physical perspective, you might think baggy clothes jeans, sweatpants, t-shirts, tennis shoes, things like that, right. And when you think of feminine energy, if you're thinking of it from a physical perspective, you might think dresses, skirts, tank tops, high heels, earrings, jewelry, makeup. That's typically how feminine presents in the physical realm, right? Well, that's not what we're talking about today, although it does play a part. That's not the part we're focusing on. What we're focusing on is the energy of masculine versus feminine, not the physical appearance. So masculine energy is goal-oriented, it is logical, it is structured, it's all about the doing taking action, execution, providing, protecting.

Speaker 1:

Masculinity is expressed through the physical realm. So when I say the physical realm. I'm not talking about physical appearance. I'm talking about physical things that you do, actions you take right. And then feminine energy is guided by intuition. It is very mindful, it's gentle, nurturing, sensitive, empathic, creative, flowy, pleasure-filled. Feminine energy is expressed through the spiritual realm and we all have both and they serve us all in different ways at different times.

Speaker 1:

So most of the time, forgoing by gender norms, men or males tend to have more masculine energy. Women or females tend to have more feminine energy innately, but that's not always the case. It is a spectrum, it's not one or the other. It's definitely not black and white. It's very much fluid and it's very much a spectrum. So some females that you know might have a little more masculine energy than their feminine energy, me being an example of that, especially if you grew up with me. And then you might know some men who really embody their feminine energy really well. They're in touch with their feelings, they communicate well, they're very empathic and you can just feel the feminine energy and it's not that it makes them any less masculine or that masculine women are any less feminine, it's just they embody that energy more than the other side of the spectrum. So this is how you manifest intentionally using your masculine and feminine energies.

Speaker 1:

Most people teach manifestation as a three-step process, but I think it's more of a five step process. There's not a huge difference, but once I explain it, those two additional steps are going to make a lot of sense. So most people teach manifesting as ask, believe, receive. You have to be clear on what it is that you want in the first place. You have to believe that it's possible for you and then you have to be open to receive it. Let's break those down really quick. If you're not clear on what it is that you want, neither is the universe, neither is anybody else. So how the heck do you expect to get it? If you go to your boss and say I want to make more money and they give you a quarter raise, like 25 cents, and you're not happy with it, they're going to be like what are you talking about? You make more money now. I gave you a quarter raise. Well, that's not exactly what I meant. I was thinking more like a $2 raise or a $10,000 yearly raise. That's one example. Here's another one.

Speaker 1:

If you say I want to lose weight, in a month's time you could lose 0.5 pounds. I bet at the end of that month, you're not going to be happy. The universe is going to be like well, why aren't you happy? You lost weight. You got exactly what you wanted. Well, that's not exactly what I meant. I wanted to lose five pounds this month. I want to lose 40 pounds in 2024. That's specific. So that's the first part of it. You have to be extra clear on what it is that you're even wanting, so that you can ask for it with specifics.

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And then the second step believing. Believing that it's possible, believing that it's already yours, believing that you're worthy of that thing, whatever that desire is. If you don't believe that it's actually possible for you or that you're capable or worthy of receiving that desire, you block your own blessing. This goes more into the energetics of it. This blocking tends to happen more at a subconscious level. So if you don't educate yourself on emotional intelligence and rewiring your brain and your belief system, then you're probably going to have a really hard time with this. I've got quite a few episodes on rewiring the brain. It's one of my favorite things to talk about and to teach. I've changed my life in so many ways by rewiring my brain and upgrading my beliefs and my values, to support me in the life that I desire. And so this is a step that you're really going to want to take to align yourself with the believing, believing that it's even possible for you. And not just is it possible for you, but you are capable and worthy to receive. Not just is it possible for you, but you are capable and worthy to receive.

Speaker 1:

And then the third step that most people teach is receive. Now, this one's give or take the easiest or hardest for a lot of people, why? Well, some people have a really hard time asking for what they want, but others have a really hard time receiving Myself included. Hard time receiving myself included. If you grew up as a people pleaser, like myself honestly, most women did, we were conditioned to be that way Then it may be really hard for you to receive without feeling guilty or like you have to do something in return. But the problem with that is that confirms to your belief system and your subconscious that you're not worthy of receiving. You're not worthy of your desire regardless, because that desire was placed on your heart for a reason and it wasn't given to everyone. It was given to you specifically. What that communicates to your subconscious is that you will never be enough and that you will have to do, do, do, give, give, give, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice to be worthy of receiving your desires. And even then it still might not be enough. So we got to practice receiving.

Speaker 1:

For me, I had to start with small things like receiving a compliment Just say thank you. You don't need to reciprocate with a compliment back, one that makes your compliment less genuine because it didn't come first and it didn't come from the heart. It came as a reciprocation. And two, it communicates to your subconscious that you aren't worthy to just receive. You have to give something in return. That's the only way you're enough. No, we're not doing that. Stop it right now. That's one way you can practice. Receive a compliment Just say thank you. Receive a gift Just say thank you. Receive your food at a restaurant Just say thank you. Receive a gift Just say thank you. Receive your food at a restaurant Just say thank you. Practice just saying thank you and feeling gratitude instead of feeling like you have to give something or do something in return. That's going to help you massively. But that's the three steps that most people teach.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to tell you about the two extra steps that I believe, need to be in this equation Because more often than not, you're not going to make it to the receiving until you've done these two steps prior. So my manifestation process is ask. Ask for what you want, be super clear about the specifics and the details. Believe. Believe that it's possible. Believe that you are capable and worthy of that desire.

Speaker 1:

Step three is gratitude Be grateful. Be grateful in advance. When you allow yourself to feel grateful in advance, you almost take care of the believing step. You train your nervous system to feel worthy and you train your subconscious to expect your desired outcome, which subliminally rewires your brain and your belief system. But gratitude is also the highest frequency energy and is the frequency for receiving. So gratitude takes care of multiple steps in the manifestation process and when you're in a state of gratitude for the thing that hasn't happened yet, you're also giving yourself a chance to know what that will feel like when it does happen. You familiarize yourself with the outcome and therefore you're more aware of opportunities, of pieces that play into the puzzle, you're more alert, you're more focused and you're, overall, more likely to attract, because by nature we love to do for people and give to people who are grateful to receive, not people with a stank attitude, not people with a pessimistic mindset, not people who are never happy, no matter what, no matter the circumstances, people who are never happy, no matter what, no matter the circumstances. Being in a state of gratitude aligns your energy with high vibrations and high vibration outcomes. So step three is be grateful.

Speaker 1:

Step four often overlooked when people try to manifest is action. Sometimes you got to take action. Manifesting is not let me sit here, let me think about it, let me pray about it, and then I sit and do nothing and I just wait for it to come to me. That's not real. That's that delulu mess that people make fun of when the conversation about manifesting comes up. That's not what manifesting is. Manifesting involves action. Sometimes actually more often than not Part of manifesting is just simply aligning yourself in the path of that which you're trying to create.

Speaker 1:

If you desire a partner but you never leave your house, you're not going to manifest a person to just show up at your doorstep. I mean you might, but that'd be creepy as hell. You're probably not going to manifest a person to just show up at your doorstep. I mean you might, but that would be creepy as hell. You're probably not going to want to connect or invite that person in, you get what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

Part of manifesting is taking action, putting yourself in rooms, speaking up, using your voice, doing the necessary steps that are going to get you noticed, qualified or the opportunities to achieve or attract your desired outcome. So please, please, please, don't forget this step, very important step. Step number four is take action, asterisk when required, and then step five is receive. So my five-step manifesting process is ask, believe, be grateful, take action when required, receive. All right, but how do you know the difference when it's a take action job or just a believe and wait to receive job? Remember how I explained masculine energy is action-based. It's goal-oriented. Feminine energy is all about pleasure, receiving, expressing. Well, this is what I really wanted to talk about on this episode. So I want to give you some examples of things I've manifested through my masculine energy and things I've manifested through my feminine energy. I want you to see if you notice the difference. So, the house I'm currently in I manifested with my masculine energy.

Speaker 1:

We've been in this house since December 2022, I believe, not super long, but we're in this four bedroom house. It's me, my husband Isaiah, our four year old son, jalen and my firstborn Jovi. She's my mini pin, so it's three of us and a fur baby. And we're in this four bedroom house gorgeous house, by the way and a beautiful, quiet and very safe feeling neighborhood. We've got a backyard, we've got a two-car garage. Closets are huge. It's literally got everything that we wanted in our next place. It checks nearly every single box.

Speaker 1:

Now for context, before we lived here we were in a two-bedroom apartment, second floor, really scrungy, in a not-so-great great area, constantly had pest control problems. We were cramped. Our master bedroom tripled as our bedroom, my office and Isaiah's studio. Isaiah is a full-time producer and DJ, so he's constantly in his studio and I was working from home at the time. Well, I still am, but at the time we were living in this apartment, I was working from home too and it was just so crammed and so miserable I literally hated it there so much.

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But we would talk about what we did want, what we wanted our next place to have, the amenities, the we each wanted our own studio slash, office space. Neither one of us was willing to give up the third room for the other person. Actually, if it came to it, I was going to let him have his studio and I was just going to set up my office in our master bedroom. But that was not what I wanted. That was going to be like a last resort situation. We really wanted a four bedroom, we really wanted a yard, we really wanted a garage and we really wanted to be in a good neighborhood where we felt safe and where we're also close to places we frequent, like the grocery store, certain food places, certain activity places, things like that.

Speaker 1:

And most people from the outside looking in, who don't know the length that I went to to get us into this house, might think that we are the luckiest people. Amazing things just happen to us and we're so lucky, we're always in the right place at the right time and we just don't know. Struggle. But, girl, let me tell you what I went through. We had a few things working against us here. Our apartment lease ended, I believe, the summer of 2022.

Speaker 1:

So I started looking early. I was going on Zillow, realtorcom, redfin, just about every home searching site right, and most everything nowadays is listed by a property management company, not the actual owner. The reason that was a problem or something that was an obstacle for us is because we are rebuilding our credit currently. So during that time we did not have good credit. We had really bad credit. Actually, I had a broken lease on my record and over half of our income was not reported because it was paid in cash. It was earned in cash. He's a full-time DJ producer, so he was making cash for a lot of his gigs. Now, do we have bank statements? Absolutely, but most property rental companies are not asking for bank statements. They're asking for tax documents, and the tax documents show us not making shit and having shit credit. All right, double whammy.

Speaker 1:

So I toured probably a dozen properties, houses we even applied for a couple. We spent money on applications and deposits that were over $300 to go through the qualification process, only to get denied. It got to the point where Isaiah was like I don't even care at this point, we can just sign the lease here another year at the apartment, and I was like over my dead body. Over my dead body, are we staying in this apartment? I will keep looking.

Speaker 1:

So it went from me doing like 80% of the work to me doing 110% of the work, staying at it, doing the research, calling people, explaining my situation, asking them if, in light of my situation, they would make any type of exceptions. And I got a lot of no's until until I was in the right place at the right time, talking to the right person, and I got a yes. And that yes just so happened to check all of the boxes on everything we wanted. Can you even believe that? What happened is I met a for lease by owner. So our landlord owns this house. She did not use a property rental management company. She listed the lease herself in hopes to source her new renter without using agents, without using property management companies, without using third-party sources. So I got to talk to a human, not a computer, not a management company, who doesn't give a shit what your situation is. They just want to know if you check the boxes or not. Right, Got to talk to a human. Explain my situation, explain that we make well over the income requirement, that we are rebuilding our credit. This is why I had to break a lease a few years ago. She got to connect with us and hear our situation and then gave us an opportunity, and I am so grateful for that opportunity. We're still here today, almost two years later, and we plan to be here a few more years before we move on to our next thing.

Speaker 1:

But do you see how I went through each of those steps to manifest this outcome? First, we knew exactly what we wanted. I knew all of the qualifications and specifics. I was very clear about that. Then I believed it was possible for me. And you want to know how I believed it, because if I didn't believe it, I wouldn't have taken all that action. I would have been like oh well, I hope that it happens for me. I sure hope. I wonder if it's going to happen for me. I believed it was possible under the right circumstances. If I meet the right person, if I talk to the right person, this will be possible. I was so grateful in advance. I would constantly visualize myself in this four bedroom home receiving the keys, being told yes. And I was so grateful for it in advance. I took the action, I showed the fuck up, I did my research, I went through the steps, I reached out to people. I went to view properties in person. I did the steps that they asked of me to make it even possible to put myself in a position to qualify or to be able to receive when offered. This is so good. I hope that you're getting this. And then the last thing I did was I received. I said thank you, I received the keys, I received this blessing and I knew that I manifested this for us. So that's an example of manifesting through your masculine energy. Now I want to give you an example of something I just very recently manifested through my feminine energy. This one is so exciting.

Speaker 1:

So a few years ago, back in the summer of 2019, when I found out I was pregnant with Jalen, I started looking up fun and creative ways to do my pregnancy announcement and I knew I wanted to involve Jovi in some way. Remember, jovi is my miniature pincher. She's my everything. She's actually my emotional support animal and my soulmate in pet form. I know some of you can connect with that and resonate. That's how important she is to me. She's my heart and soul. So I wanted to include her and I started looking up fun ideas on how I could include her in that.

Speaker 1:

I came across this amazing pet photographer in the DFW. Dfw is the area I live in and I was like, oh my God, I have to do this. I have to do. A photo shoot with Jovi Will be the best thing ever. So I reached out, set up a consultation was absolutely shocked when she told me the investment. At that time I was what? 25, 26 years old, barely into adulthood, I mean. I still felt like a child. I still do sometimes. The amount that she told me seemed outrageous to me and I was like, oh my God, like I can't do that. So I hung up that desire, but I kept following that photographer. For all these years I've still been following this photographer.

Speaker 1:

Well, recently she sent out an email blast saying that it's their 10 year anniversary of being in business and for their 10-year anniversary they're offering free heart dog photo shoots. So a heart dog is what she calls it. It's basically a dog that is your heart and soul. You have a story behind this dog. They are a piece of you. There's a deep meaning there, a deep attachment. They are a piece of you. There's a deep meaning there, a deep attachment, and this dog is a being that you hold very near and dear to you. And I'm like, ding, ding, ding. That's me and Jovi. We're attached at the hip. Everyone literally tells me that Jovi is me in dog form. We're that much alike. Our energies are aligned.

Speaker 1:

But anyways, I was like, oh my God, I got to apply for this. So there was an application process. I filled out an online application and then there was an interview and she basically just asked me about Jovi and our relationship and really just got to know us and the authenticity of our relationship with one another me and Jovi and then, after the interview was over, it was just okay, we'll let you know if we picked you. I was one of the first interviews and these interviews went on for three weeks, so there was a bit of a waiting period there and there was nothing I could do in the meantime. But wait, believe, be grateful in advance and receive, and I did. Me and Jovi were one of the chosen few and I cannot tell you how excited I am. We're doing our photo shoot in June. But, oh my God, I'm so excited and I manifested that shit. Do you see the difference in how I manifested the house and how I manifested the photo shoot?

Speaker 1:

So in the process of receiving the house, there was a lot of doing, doing, doing right, a lot of executing, a lot of action taking, but with the photo shoot, there was a little bit of action at the beginning. Obviously, if I never submitted an application or never showed up for an interview. I wouldn't have even been on their radar, they wouldn't have known about me, right? But I did show up. I did the application, I did the interview. That was a small part of it.

Speaker 1:

And then there was three weeks of radio silence while I wait. And here's what I did during those three weeks. Every single day I spent five minutes feeling so grateful that I was one of the chosen ones. I visualized me and Jovi at the studio doing this photo shoot. I felt really good about it because I allowed myself to be vulnerable and authentic on the interview. So I didn't have any regrets. I didn't have any urges to do more, try more, be more. In fact, I became detached from the outcome. I was so grateful for even having the opportunity that that, to me, felt like I already won.

Speaker 1:

And because I maintained that energy and that gratitude when she called me to tell me that I had been selected as one of the free photo shoots. One of the things she said to me was I could feel your energy and how genuine your connection is with Jovi. It was very easy to spot the difference between someone with a true heart dog and someone who just wanted a free photo shoot. Your story and your energy spoke volumes. And while I was literally over the moon excited that I was one of the selected ones, I also didn't have any kind of out of body experience of like, oh my fucking God, yes, I got pegged.

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I didn't have this experience where I was like I can't believe it. I can't believe that happened. No, because I did believe it. I trained my body and my nervous system to believe it, to know that I'm worthy of that, to know that I'm worthy of receiving that outcome, to expect it, almost. So while, yes, of course, I expressed my sincerest gratitude and excitement, part of me deep inside was like, well, yeah, I knew, I knew that was coming. I manifested it, of course, like duh, and it's just so cool to reflect back over moments like these and see how every step in this process played a part in the big picture and the overall journey. And it was all happening for me and it was because I aligned my energy.

Speaker 1:

The cool thing about manifesting is there's not a time limit on it. Some things can take months, like the house did, for instance. Oh, I forgot to mention we were also doing a month-to-month lease for a little while, while I was still looking for houses because our lease had expired in the apartment. But I was so dedicated and so confident that I was moving out that we did not re-sign the lease. We were paying month to month and you know, when you're going month to month your rent increases a lot. They like to chunk on that money when you go month to month instead of signing a lease. So we were paying a few hundred dollars more per month while looking for this house. That may not exist. Thank God it did. And something else I didn't mention is our rent here for a four bedroom house, two bathroom, with a huge yard and a beautiful neighborhood and a great location five minutes off the highway from all of the major locations that we go to on a regular basis, costs us $300 per month, more than that shitty little two bedroom apartment that had roaches that I hated, that was crammed, that it was in a terrible location and that we were all miserable in Like you really just can't make this up. It's amazing. Like I said, the cool thing is is there's not a timeframe on manifesting. Some things can take months or even years to manifest and some things can happen in a matter of weeks, like the photo shoot, or even days. I'm going to give you one last example. This is the most recent thing that I manifested that I'm so excited and lit up by and amazed, but not amazed but also amazed by.

Speaker 1:

I've been calling myself the family barista for quite some time now. I love making coffee, I love trying different combinations, different specialty drinks, but I'm no professional by any means and I've been wanting to learn. So I've been talking to Isaiah about like I wonder if there are any part-time barista jobs hiring so I can just learn coffee and learn different mixes and learn just everything I don't know, so I can up-level my coffee game, my barista game, at home. So I go online and I'm looking up some barista openings. And one thing about me is I'm very health conscious and like 99.5 of these coffee shops out here are not. A lot of them claim to be, but if you actually look at their ingredients, the nutrition label would say otherwise. So that was something I was being mindful of while I was looking for the barista jobs, but that wasn't the top priority. I really just wanted to find somewhere that I could learn and up popped an opening for a morning barista at Lifetime Fitness.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you know anything about Lifetime Fitness. They are the health club of all health clubs. They offer every amenity imaginable. They're very health conscious. Their mission statement is to empower everyone to live healthy and happy lives. That's like the mission statement of my life. So values, completely aligned Experience. If you've ever been in a lifetime fitness peak, love lifetime fitness, love the energy there, love the vibes. It's a literal experience. It's not just a gym, it's a club, it's an experience. So I was like, oh my God, that's the one I wanted it to be. A part-time position, I wanted it to be in the morning. I would prefer somewhere that's health conscious, aligns with my values. Boom, boom, boom. All boxes checked.

Speaker 1:

So immediately, what do I do? I send an application, I send my resume, I call the front desk. There's issues with the phone line, whatever. I don't get through. I was going to call and introduce line. Whatever I don't get through. I was going to call and introduce myself to the manager, couldn't get through. So what did I decide to do?

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Very next morning, I was already planning a coffee shop workday. So I just took my butt up to the Lifetime Cafe. I had my workday there. I ordered breakfast, I ordered a coffee and then I introduced myself to the manager. I let them know I was interested. I asked if they were still offering the position and I asked to be considered. I asked for what I wanted. I received immediately. He asked me if I was available to come in for an official interview the very next day. Of course, I said yes.

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One day turnaround, I was already in an interview. He loved me. They have a multi-step interview process, so right away he sets me up for the second interview. I just had the second interview a couple days ago. It went amazing. The second interview a couple days ago. It went amazing. I'm even more excited now because not only do I align with the club's values and mission statement, but the people who work there are a reflection of it as well, and that means so much to me. I'm genuinely excited to connect deeper with these people, to work alongside these people and to be submerged in their energy and their passion and their shared vision. Proximity is everything. So anyways, long story short, the second leader to interview me also loved me and they're like you're in. When can you start?

Speaker 1:

So this desire went from conception to completion in a matter of days, and during this timeframe I used a balance of masculine and feminine energy to manifest this outcome. The masculine energy was me submitting the application right away, going in person to introduce myself to the team leader, taking the steps they asked of me for the formalities. And then the feminine energy came into play because I was grateful in the waiting, I believed in my ability and I aligned my energy with the outcome Literally put in my new shift into my Google calendar when I didn't have an answer yet. New shift into my Google calendar when I didn't have an answer yet. I don't even have a start date, but the shift is in my Google calendar and it starts on Monday. And I got a call the other day hey, I think we can probably start you next week on Monday, the same day that I put my shift starting. Like, tell me, I didn't manifest that, I freaking. Manifested it through my energy, through my energetic alignment.

Speaker 1:

So the big takeaway that I really want you to get from this episode is that manifesting is not magic. Manifesting is a science. It's a five-step process, it's very practical, but there is an art to it. Knowing when and how to tap into your masculine and feminine energy is a skill and luckily, it's a skill that can be sharpened. So I want you to think back to a time when you really wanted something. You wanted it so much that it consumed your mind. You thought about it often, you asked for it, you prayed for it. You even took steps. You took actions to make the odds of it happening even greater, and it felt like it was really possible for you. Or maybe you just weren't going to accept no for an answer, and then it happened. It came to life. That was you manifesting. That's all manifestation is. It's asking, believing, being grateful, taking actions if required and receiving.

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Now, when you think back to that time, I want you to also think about how were you being during that process? Were you in your masculine energy, your feminine energy, a little bit of both? Or do different parts of the process require different energy? I just want you to reflect over it. Remember yourself throughout that process and see if you can identify you embodying the different phases of that manifestation process. It's so cool to think about and to see like play out in real life, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

And you know the word manifesting. It honestly gets a bad rap. People who use the word manifesting tend to get labeled weirdos or hippies, freaks or even Satanists yeah, I'm going there, but it's not mystic at all and literally everyone is doing it, whether they realize it or not, whether it's conscious or unconscious, because where your focus goes, energy flows, and so what you focus on, you inevitably create, for better or for worse. The trick is just knowing when and how to tap into your masculine versus your feminine energy, so that you can start using it to work for you instead of against you. But I promise you, every single person is manifesting, whether they want to believe it or not, you are manifesting.

Speaker 1:

So if you look around at your outcomes, your circumstances, and you're not currently happy with them, think back through the five-step process, reflect over whatever it is that's not working for you or that you're not currently satisfied by, and see if you can pinpoint which of the five steps is there a block? Which of the five steps did you skip maybe? Which of the five steps needs more attention or intention, and how can you leverage a little bit more of your masculine or feminine energy to really get you aligned and get your energy aligned with the goal or the desire that you're seeking? That's what I want you to think about and remember, like I said, it is a science, but there's also an art to it. So don't be frustrated if you're not getting it right away or if you're struggling with it. You will get better with practice. So practice, practice, practice, keep showing up, keep putting in effort and also know at the very same time, you're exactly where you're supposed to be, your timeline is exactly right for you, and there may be some lessons that you still need to learn, that your subconscious still needs to rewire before you can actually do the next step. So just keep that in mind. If it's not moving along as fast as you want it to, detachment is a real skill that's going to help you in this process of manifesting. You want to be incredibly aligned and also incredibly detached from the outcome at the very same time Another art that you'll get better at the more you practice.

Speaker 1:

All right, gosh, this was such a good one. I love doing episodes like this. I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did. If you did, or if you have any thoughts or stories you want to share, maybe these examples sparked something for you, something that you remembered, that you manifested, or that went through some of the steps, but not all the steps, and it's clicking for you now. If that's the case.

Speaker 1:

I really want to hear about it. I love hearing about it. So please feel free to reach out to me on Instagram, at Boldly Lacey, and share all the goodness. I genuinely love and appreciate when you do that so much. And, if you're feeling extra generous, please take 30 seconds right now, go onto your phone or whatever you're listening to this on, pull up my podcast and leave a five-star review. Five-star reviews are so, so helpful, not just for my ego, but for the show as a whole when it comes to rankings, when it comes to visibility, searchability and really just getting messages like this out there to more people, impacting lives. So I would really really appreciate it if you took the time to do that and helped me spread this message and impact.

Speaker 1:

All right, thank you so much for hanging out with me another week, a whole freaking hour. What are we besties now? I love it. I love you. I love you so much and I hope you have an amazing week and I can't wait to hear about all the cool shit that you manifest. Thank you so much for being here and, queen, give yourself a high five for showing up and committing to be the best version of yourself for you and your people. You are such a badass for that, if you got anything good from this episode, would you send the love back by DMing me on Instagram at Boldly Lacey, letting me know exactly which part resonated with you. These types of messages empower me to keep showing up, and they also help me understand the types of conversations you really care about. All right, bestie, we'll talk again soon, but for now, it's time for you to step up and start being the badass that we both know you are.